Scaling and Subject selection for yr 12 (1 Viewer)


Apr 12, 2006
(im not sure if this is in the right thread)
im in my final term of yr 11
at the moment i do:
ancient history
music 2
maths advanced
3U english
studies of religion

i need to know what i will drop for next year
i will prob drop either chemistry, ancient history or music two
thing is, its darn hard to choose

Firstly, in terms of music two, i play drums so its a bit hard doing pieces, but my teacher said theyd sort me out. also, being a drummer my theory is a bit inadequate. and also, i need to do melodic dictation, and be able to produce elaborate compositions. it will also take up lots of time, when id prefer to just improve on my drums.

this is why i dont want to do it, but at the same time it might be necessary to do it, if i want to study music after school
however, i am coming first in my class of 4 but the other guys arent all that good.
i wouldnt do music one because its too easy but im doubful about music two.
apart from this im not sure if it scales better than chemistry

with chemistry, i can just study it and improve quicker than in music, except its a bit hard for me lol.
it also , judging from SAM appears to scale better than music two,, although my music teacher believes music 2 scales better

with ancient history, its an essay subject, so its easyish for me and it helps with english and eng ext. also im more confident in doing it than the others.

so my questions are, if uve bothered to read up to here are:
1. Would i be ok doing music two? Does it take up lots of time?
2. What scales better out of music two and chemistry?
3. Is it necessary to study music 2 in HSC to do it at UNI?
4. What subject do you think i should drop?, after looking at my others and stuff.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
cheesman said:
so my questions are, if uve bothered to read up to here are:
1. Would i be ok doing music two? Does it take up lots of time?
2. What scales better out of music two and chemistry?
3. Is it necessary to study music 2 in HSC to do it at UNI?
4. What subject do you think i should drop?, after looking at my others and stuff.
I can only answer some of your questions but:
2. Music 2 usually scales ever so slightly higher than Chemistry though it is important to note that scaling shouldn't be that important in subject choice - your performance will determine your marks.
3. It depends on where you study it - some unis require auditions or portolios of music that demonstrate music skill to a certain level and many people would develop this through AMEB and/or HSC music. Others have introductory units in music that are available in the BA that require no background knowledge at all.
4. You mention both Ancient History and Chemistry, but you don't say which one you actually enjoy - my advice would have been to go for whichever you enjoyed the most out of those two and drop the other.

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