hey can anyone give me advice on what to enrol in next sem?
i'm doing the commerce core currently and planning to double major in accounting and finance.. what subjects should i be picking for next sem? am i supposed to just choose 4 from the flexi core? also i've heard fins1613 would be best left for sem1 next year instead of doing it sem 2? i'm kinda leaning towards fins1613, acct 1b and maybe business and the law and macro????? thoughts?? could i just enrol in those but instead of fins1613 take fins1612 first and do fins1613 next year?? i'm honestly really lost with what i'm supposed to enrol in are there any enrolment guidelines anywhere because i can't seem to find any on the asb site. also if anyones done those subjects would you say they're difficult and whether marketing/info systems is easier/ more interesting ???? THANKS
i'm doing the commerce core currently and planning to double major in accounting and finance.. what subjects should i be picking for next sem? am i supposed to just choose 4 from the flexi core? also i've heard fins1613 would be best left for sem1 next year instead of doing it sem 2? i'm kinda leaning towards fins1613, acct 1b and maybe business and the law and macro????? thoughts?? could i just enrol in those but instead of fins1613 take fins1612 first and do fins1613 next year?? i'm honestly really lost with what i'm supposed to enrol in are there any enrolment guidelines anywhere because i can't seem to find any on the asb site. also if anyones done those subjects would you say they're difficult and whether marketing/info systems is easier/ more interesting ???? THANKS