clever angel said:
hi everyone
cud ne one help me in answering this dotpt- this was in cssa 2005 and i didn't score good fro this q'n
discuss the implications of mass dilation, time dilation and length contraction for space travel
A major problem of space travel is travelling extremely large distances within our life time. Mr Einstein with his theory of relativity stated that at very fast speeds, time dilates, thus the faster you travel, the slower time progresses, which is an advantage for space travel. Length at these speeds is contracted, shortening the distance-also an advantage.
A big problem is that of Mass and Energy. At speeds approaching the speed of light, mass increases in large amounts, thus the more energy is required to move it. Additional energy input is further converted to mass, exacerbating the problem. The energy required makes it very difficult to reach the speeds required.
Hope that answers it properly @_@
hate these questions, they so BS, can't have 'elegance' in the answers like in calculation questions:\