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Studying for first HSC assessment (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 20, 2009
I am an accelerant student in year 10 and I have my first HSC exam next week. I'm not very sure how to study I'd like some help.

In my MX1 Exam I gotta study

Circle Geo: 2-6-2.10

Perms and Combs: 18.1

Geometrical applications of differentiation: 10.1-10.8

In 2 Unit I have to study

Properties of shapes etc (not really sure of the topic name) : 2.1-2.4

Probability: 3.1-3.3

Geometrical applications of differentiation: 10.1-10.8

What should my study plan look like? My inefficient study methods limited me in preliminary, and if anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it.


Jul 1, 2007
In my MX1 Exam I gotta study

Circle Geo: 2-6-2.10

Perms and Combs: 18.1

Geometrical applications of differentiation: 10.1-10.8
Circle: practice practice practice.
thats how i found out how to do it :S theres no use memorising the theorms and stuff, just grab a textbook or worksheets or past papers and just try and do as many as u can until u can see the stuff spring at u when u glance at it.

Perms+Coms: exactly same thing. if its probability like, u have to recognize what its asking. so just practice from ur textbook again.

Ok I'm sick of saying this but, also with Geo Apps of diff, its all practice.

HOWEVER, as for a study plan on this, I personally would hone one topic at a time and then try past papers on the topics or questions all together, so it kinda cements what uve learned before. thats how i have always done it, and it seemed to work for me :S ><

In 2 Unit I have to study

Properties of shapes etc (not really sure of the topic name) : 2.1-2.4

Probability: 3.1-3.3

Geometrical applications of differentiation: 10.1-10.8
dno about properties of shapes, seems like just a table memorising kinda topic...

probability in 2u is not that hard, so u should just do a few questions until it just bores u to death coz u own it so hard.

same with geo apps of diff.

tbh, u shouldnt ask people for study plans, as its ur own method that makes it work. i guess u could get tips like i believe ur asking, but in the end, just study what works best for u.

and gl :)


ninety ninety ninety
May 23, 2009
I have an assessment for 2U coming up too.

Circle Geo: 2-6-2.10 study the rules, proofs, etc.
Perms and Combs: 18.1 study from the textbook + past papers
Geometrical applications of differentiation: 10.1-10.8 study from past papers
Properties of shapes etc (not really sure of the topic name) : 2.1-2.4 Just memorise the properties. Don't study.
Probability: 3.1-3.3 Do HSC past papers
Geometrical applications of differentiation: 10.1-10.8 see above

imo, there's no point studying for geometry. study for permutations, probability and minima and maxima questions in geometrical applications of differentiation.


Jan 4, 2007
If you've worked well in class up to this point, then you should know everything by now. Start by doing some questions on the topics and see which ones you get wrong. Then you'll know what to fix. After that, ONLY study those things you got wrong, and try again. Keep on doing this, and when you get nothing wrong over a few repetitions, you know you're ready.

There's no point just memorising formulae or anything, because you're not just spitting those out in exams. The only good study technique for maths is practice.

As with doing past papers, I have reservations with using HSC papers so early on. My reasoning is, the exam you'll be doing next week will be different to the HSC, because different people will be writing it. It will most probably have a different focus, and because there is less content to test on, it will go into more depth. Thus, you shouldn't study HSC-style questions for what isn't an HSC style paper. Make sure you get past papers off you teacher for that exam. That is the best resource you can ever have.

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