How do you summarise properly for Economics?
I recently had this guy come to do the whole 'lets get motivated' talk and he said u imagine that there is a line going straight down an A4 page (in the middle).. then u write a point (dot point form) and stop at that line.. which means u write a point thats only half a page long.. i can see that yeh its so hard to take in all the info in eco, but writing a half a page point is really hard to do!?!?
Neone have any excellent ideas as to how to write summaries that are short but contain all the info required?!? Thanks heaps
I recently had this guy come to do the whole 'lets get motivated' talk and he said u imagine that there is a line going straight down an A4 page (in the middle).. then u write a point (dot point form) and stop at that line.. which means u write a point thats only half a page long.. i can see that yeh its so hard to take in all the info in eco, but writing a half a page point is really hard to do!?!?
Neone have any excellent ideas as to how to write summaries that are short but contain all the info required?!? Thanks heaps