I used to hate reality tv sooo much - i thought it was shit. And then, suddenly and by accident one day I watched an episode of the 3rd series of survivor... and was hooked by it!
Haha now I love shows like that... I LOVED Paradise Hotel, and thought the end was fantastic with all its twists... what's happening to tv!?!?!? ahhh
Anyway, bottom line is if i had unlimited time (i.e. nothing of importance to do urgently all the time grrrr hsc) I'd be the biggest couch tato, probs watching shows like these :uhhuh:
Rock on reality
(and here's food for thought... if you don't like something like, say, survivor for example, why click on a thread about it and reply to it? You don't need to put your 2cents in absolutely everything... you'll only upset people like us fans in here. Don't stir shit, leave us be!! Click on something you do like and reply to that instead)