Jerruy said:
Has anyone got any up to date notes on the new syllabus having covered aboriginal belief systems, Australia 1945-present, Moses Maimonides and Jewish Sexual ethics?
Have checked the resource page but there is none by the new syllabus.
Whilst the syllabus has changed, the content essentially hasnt (just have to be aware of what the new syllabus is asking for). As for resources on the resources page, of course there is nothing for the new syllabus as this is the first HSC year and resources usually come in after the HSC!!
Maybe you can be the first brave soul to take some of the old stuff from the resources list and cut and paste it into a document that can be used for the new stuff (As appropriate to the new syllabus) then re-post it!?!?!?
There is tonnes out there on the Jewish stuff if you look btw........ as for the Aboriginal side again, googe is your friend!