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the melodrama of constitutional crisis (1 Viewer)


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
Kerr will sack you, woman told Goughhttp://www.smh.com.au/news/national...oman-told-gough/2005/07/22/1121539154764.html

Gough Whitlam's former adviser on women's affairs, Elizabeth Reid, warned him the governor-general, Sir John Kerr, was planning to remove him as prime minister at least six weeks before the controversial dismissal took place.


In an interview published in today's Good Weekend, Ms Reid says she informed Mr Whitlam in September 1975 that Sir John had told her and the artist Clifton Pugh he was going to dismiss the prime minister. (Pugh, who died in 1990, had been working on Sir John's portrait.)

Ms Reid had unusual access to Sir John - he pursued her romantically. She says the widowed head of state became obsessive, bursting into the house of a Whitlam aide she was visiting one night, crying: "Where is she?"

At one point he proposed to her, saying: "Why work for the second-most important man in Australia when you could be married to the most important?"

Ms Reid declined. Sir John remarried in April 1975.

Mr Whitlam details Sir John's premarital interest in Ms Reid - his unexpected visits, lunches, dinners, possession of her private number - in his 1979 book, The Truth of the Matter.
ahhh, all the behind-the-scenes footage of Big Brother. :rolleyes:

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