Its BrentMcK here just on my bros account.
In token ring, as i am aware, there is only one token. However it CAN have many slots within the one token frame. (i.e. can hold more than one frame from say A to B, and another frame from C to D), but it is all in the same token frame. I guess if there was more than one token you could have possible collisions so i dont think it is done (check me on that, but im pretty sure).
A star network with a central switch would probably be faster (however you need to make sure the switch can keep up with demand, especially on a network with 140 nodes... the best way to do it would be to split it up into a few star subnetworks connected to each other through the switches to a central router or backbone).
Is it faster? if the router/switch can keep up with demand and the ring topology propogation time (the time it takes to traverse the ring to the destination) is more than the time from station-to-switch-to-station then yes it would be faster.
just to confirm the (SWITCHED)star and ring topologies have no collisions.. if you think about it it makes sense. however the bus and (HUB)star topologies do. Oh and by the way bus setups and still considered faster than ring so write that, but add "it depends on the amount of nodes and the length of the network span (..eg 100 meters).