TT: Save teh Aussie Flag Campaign (1 Viewer)


Jan 4, 2007
Today Tonight saving our national flag!!!1!!1

We have begun a sticker campaign to keep the Aussie flag flying. Get your "Fly the Flag" sticker here and display our national symbol on your family car.

The Australian flag is the symbol of our great nation, flying high above historic landmarks on Australia Day.

It flies from Melbourne's Tennis Centre, to Queensland's Parliament and, of course, the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

But it is a flag that is constantly under siege.

When the Australian lifestyle is attacked, the first target is often our national flag. It has been burnt, stomped on and even used as a symbol by some groups to destroy and denigrate as a show of force.

Tonight, with the help of many famous Aussies and, of course, you - our viewers - we begin a sticker campaign to keep the flag flying.
If you want join the campaign, send us you name and address and we will get the stickers sent out to you.

The only thing we ask in return is you proudly display the sticker on your family car.
I use to support Middle Eastern dictators, help fund underground terrorist training camps, and was opposed to freedom, until Today Tonight showed me the way. Now, I too am proud to be TRUE BLUE. I've got 10 Today Tonight stickers! Suck on that, beeyatchs.
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