"unable to make changes...21st" (1 Viewer)


God Is One
Mar 21, 2003
Seven Hills
I just got this, thought i might post it up to "quench" any confusion for changes of units of study in the faculty of science. It should have been sent to all science students, so check your inboxes regularly.

Dear Faculty of Science Student

This email is to let you know that the Faculty of Science Office is not
able to make changes to your Units of Study until 21 February 2005. We had
previously advised an earlier date.

The later date is to give students the opportunity to pay their original
invoice by the due date. This is especially important for students who were
enrolled in semester 2, 2004 and pre-enrolled successfully for 2005. This
is because if the amount on the initial invoice does not match the current
amount outstanding for the student, your 2005 student card will not be
generated and sent to you.

All students who wish to change their Units of Study should first attempt
to make the change through MyUni first (also available from 21 February
2005). If you cannot make the change yourself through MyUni, make a note of
the problem MyUni encounters, or print out the screen.

To change your Unit of Study at the Faculty of Science Office you must:-

(1) Have tried to make the change on MyUni first
(2) If you do not have the prerequisites for a Unit of Study, you must
have a special permission form signed by the course coordinator. You must
have this form ready to present to the Faculty of Science Office staff to
change your enrolment.
(3) The Faculty of Science can only change Units of Study in degree
programs that have an 'L' in front of the degree code.
(4) You must have your student ID card or other photo ID with you.
(5) Bring a black or blue ballpoint pen with you. Faculty staff are not
able to loan students stationery items, as many students have failed in the
past to return items. Borrowing stationary items slows down processing,
which holds everyone up who is waiting in line to change their Units of Study.
(6) You must know the codes for your new Units of study. If you do not
know, and need to take time finding them out, you will be asked to rejoin
the end of the line. Please assist your fellow students and staff by not
wasting time searching for codes at the counter.

Faculty of Science Counter hours are from 10.00am-4.00pm Monday-Thursday
and from 10.00am-1.00pm on Fridays.

With very best wishes for your studies in 2005

The Faculty of Science


The contents of this E-mail message, and any documents attached to it,
may be privileged and confidential. Any unauthorized use is strictly
prohibited. If you receive this electronic mail in error, please
accept my apologies and delete it. Thank you.
Email is a document as defined by the NSW Freedom of Information
Act Sect. 6 (1).

lol..... :rolleyes:


Uber Procrastinator
May 24, 2004
can they ever be trusted 100%?...hmmmmmm...*goes on a tangent wondering*


God Is One
Mar 21, 2003
Seven Hills
LoneShadow said:
can they ever be trusted 100%?...hmmmmmm...*goes on a tangent wondering*
i'd love to see a collaboration between USYD officials and this forum. That would be interesting.

nothing like the dean reading a post about usyd and its integrity...... :uhhuh:


Active Member
Jun 14, 2003
a) it is true that usyd sci faculty cannot change ur enrolment before 21st feb... i checked it at usyd sci faculty yesteday AND 2day... this can mainly due to students fail to pay their subscription fee before the due date...

b)the bit abt change ur enrolment through my uni, well it's mainly to reduce the queue length, especially before the semester... the queue can get awfully long, so they dont' want to waste ur time and theirs... so try to vary ur enrolment on my admin if possible... if not, go to sci faculty and get it sorted out
nb: i checked my admin 2day, and it seems that u can vary ur enrolment 2day already...

c) have ur photoed id and ur student card with u... not a fuss, but VERY inconvienient without them... also DO bring stationaries with u... they are serz abt not lendin pens to under grads...

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