- Unemployment are those who are out of work but actively seeking work... needs to be checking advertisements for work, willing and responds to job adverts or registered with an enmployment agency.
- Participation rate refers to the percentage of the population, aged 15 and over, in the labour force that is either employed or unemployed
- Labour force consists of all the employed and unemployed persons in the country at any given time who do work more than 1 hour per week (aka workforce).
- Long term unemployed are those who have been out of work for 12 months or longer - they are the structurally unemployed (reason: hysteresis - because they've been out of work for so long they have lost skills for work).
- Hardcore unemployed are long term unemployed and unemployable because of personal circumstances -- mental, physical disabilities, drug abuse and anti-social behavior.
herbie0822 said:
How would discouraged workers ie hardcore and long-term unemplyed people affect the participation rate and the unemployment rate, referring to the equations.....?
Because hardcore/long-term unemployed
can work, they will remain in the participation rate (think of it as the total % of people who have the physical capacity to work). On the other hand, it's hidden unemployment because unemployment is defined as those who are
unemployed but actively seeking employment so if you're hardcore/long-term then you do not fall within those definitions.
What exactly does the labour force consist? Employed and unemployed? The working age population which is 15+, does it include everyone who is over 15 or only the people who is over 15 and are employed or actively seeking work?
Working age population =
every person aged 15 or above.
Labour force = all those in the working age population who performs more than 1 hour of work per week.
Participation rate = labour force / working age population (as a percentage - ie *100)
herbie0822 said:
Thanks alot guys...
But how would discouraged workers affect the participation and unemployment rate?
To reiterate, discourage workers are those not actively seeking work. The Australian Bureau of Statistics do not count them in the unemployment figures and they are therefore, (structurally) hidden unemployment.