I had a few questions about this and wondering if anyone who knows can help!
In the picture before the above we were asked make a Courses-<enrols>-Programs and enrols points down to Student (ternary relationship) but in this example we had to make it a composite entity (to make it from M-M to 1-Ms) but why and where did they get the "offering" part (was not given or drawn before)?
In the pic before the above pic, I was given Exercise class as having a many to many relationship with the Members entity. I know when you have M-N relationship it isn't good and must be split up into two 1-M relationships but I don't know why it is 1-M <enrols> M-1 and I don't get how they find the 4 cardinalities between Exercise class and Members.
similar in http://i.imgur.com/dVNZgTg.png. if you can can also explain (the 4 cardinalities in this one and what the green circle means). thank you so much for your help, it is very much appreciated!
thanks so much!
In the picture before the above we were asked make a Courses-<enrols>-Programs and enrols points down to Student (ternary relationship) but in this example we had to make it a composite entity (to make it from M-M to 1-Ms) but why and where did they get the "offering" part (was not given or drawn before)?
In the pic before the above pic, I was given Exercise class as having a many to many relationship with the Members entity. I know when you have M-N relationship it isn't good and must be split up into two 1-M relationships but I don't know why it is 1-M <enrols> M-1 and I don't get how they find the 4 cardinalities between Exercise class and Members.
similar in http://i.imgur.com/dVNZgTg.png. if you can can also explain (the 4 cardinalities in this one and what the green circle means). thank you so much for your help, it is very much appreciated!
thanks so much!