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Urgent - Leunig Cartoon Help (1 Viewer)


Jan 28, 2007
hey guys i know theres probably millions of threads about this but i didnt know which to post in to get a direct answer cause they're all so long and theres so many threads to choose from.

so heres my problem. i have an area of study asssessment in a few weeks and one of my related texts needs to be a film, thats sorted (i think). the other needs to be something written. it can be a song, novel, short story, feature article, cartoon etc.

i was thinking of doing a leunig cartoon, they seem good. are there any good suggestions of ones that are good representations of physical journeys and tie in in a slight way with like the ideas of migrant hostel by skrzynecki. or just any that has something to do with physical journeys would be great. A link or copy of the cartoon would be greatly appreciated because i've searched all over the net but havent been able to find any.

thanks in advance guys! cheers.

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