Hey you,
1. You will be able to access your timetable online on the first day of O-Week @ 10 AM.
2. That's a complicated question. I'll try and break down the reasons why for you:
- Let's say you recieve your timetable and you have a tutorial during a time slot you don't like, and you *know* there are other times available that you can be put into. What you can do is try to block off your original designated tutorial time online in the hopes that the computer will shove you into a new, better time slot (for you).
- However this move may not always go in your favor, and you might get stuck in an even worse time slot. You can keep trying to block off until you've got what you want. But if after a few tries it's still not working I suggest you head to usyd during O-week to change it with the admin in person. There's a lot of admin to help you during O-week and during the first week or two of the semester. Try and go early though so as to avoid long lines.
- You may find that the admin are being particulary nasty to you and telling you that you are not allowed to change your tutorial time because they are not obligated to/you don't have a good enough reason to change. If this happens, talk to the unit co-ordinator for the subject and ask if you can change your tutorial time. Some will gladly do it, others may be more reluctant.
- Your last hope is to just show up to the tutorial time you like the most during the first week and get yourself onto his/her roll. I know a lot of people who take this as their first stop though
3. As for where, you are right - it depends on which faculty you're from (eg. business and economics students do it somewhere else). They haven't released the details of the location for timetable changes yet - you will just have to check the website a few days in advance.
But most of the time you won't need to go further than the first step. The online timetabling system is a bit stupid, but for the majority of the time it does what you tell it to do.
I hope that helps!