The personality and comu skillz will outweigh marks in my opinion.Farcanell said:Hmmm, certainly from what I've heard from numerous careers advisors and the like, macquarie uni has a far better reputation than UTS...
At any rate it really shouldn't matter... one of my friends' brothers did their business degree at UNE, graduated with a distinction GPA and is now earning 160k+ a year at Macquarie Bank... Go with other factors, like which uni is closest, which campus you like the most, etc... the actual marks you get and you as a person count for so much more anyway...
Aren't they all?Grizzly said:I'm assuming the B Business at UTS is CPA accreditted ?
Don't listen to this. Macq is much more recognised but also harder. It's been around much longer and has more prestige. People with cadetships go to UTS only coz its close to their offices which are always in the city. Thats the only reason. But macq is betteraditya said:goto uts... tons of the people with cadetships go there like people with pwc, kpmg and ernst young cadetships heaps of them goto uts for their degrees.... so basicali i would say that uts is the more recognised... and possibly the better option considering its location....
put uts down first... then put down mac.... its the best thing to do...