UWA Admissions question [PM] (1 Viewer)


Retired 13 May 2006
Aug 13, 2003
Darnassus ftw
Private Message said:
Hey Lexi,
I was wondering about the admission requirements for UWA Medicine because i got a WAM of 67 this semester (my first year at uni) in BOptom. Do they use only first semester results or both results? Do you think I have a chance getting in with my results considering i manage to pull off a reasonable UMAT score and interview performance ?

Hi there,

Firstly, your WAM is irrelevant. The university is interested in the TPS (tertiary performance score) - details available on the university website. For non-standard (ie NRSL) entry you must provide results for a full academic year of university study. If you have even one credit point less than a full year's load, only the UAI will count (they may be flexible but I wouldn't risk it).

Regarding your chances... well, "average" students don't get in. You need at least one exceptional criterion to get through with two average whatsits. Even then, it's far from being a sure thing.

67 is good overall, but for med it's pretty average when trying to get in. In my case I had average mark and interview, but killer UMAT. If you can't get really well in one thing, just do as best you can in all three. That should give you at least a fighting chance.

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