well im going on advice 2 years ago, when i was a hscer and looking intot he course and what heard was that IT is a bit of computer science and business computing put together, while there is B Computing [business orientation] and B Comp Science which is about computer science [programming galore]. anyhow, take a look at the course outline that LaraB has posted or look for it and also compare it to the UTS's B ScIT degree to see if thre are any similar units/subjects so that if you do get into UWS, you can transfer and get academic credit, or basically you dont have to waste time to redo them again after you trasnfer.
The tafe pathway takes you at least a year [doing a dip] and after that you can go via UAC to apply to UTS and so on and is a more cheaper option, while at uni, you will still need a years worth of study before being able to transfer to UTS [its a requirement that you do at least 1 yr FT study that is]. It is up to you, but i dont think it will take you that longer? tafe is practical while uni theory centred, btu i think you shold first check the similar units if any that is offered at UWS.
My opinion of the course is ok, bu you dont get any recognition to computer society if thats right bt you get a wider range of majoprs to choose from.
anyway, i do recommend the D-Day on te 3rd of Jan thats coming up so you may want ot have a look in and ask those questions that we ahvent been able to answer and yeah, good luck and Happy new Year!