UWS Medicine 2007 - Clinical Training? Disadvantage? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 6, 2004
Hey, I was talking to my parents about UWS Med and their immediate thoughts were "but there arent as many good specialists at campbelltown"

What they were talking about was the hospitals in the Campbelltown area: They aren't as well known as, say, Westmead, RPA, and so forth.

What I want to know is: does anyone know how much time you spend with hospital doctors compared to uni lecturers/doctors? Would doing clinical training in SW Sydney have any disadvantages over those in inner Sydney?


Active Member
Oct 10, 2003
my 1st thoughts are no.. but it depends on UWS methods

frankly u do ure yr 3+ at hospital.. and the time u spend AFTER u graduate is possibly more important than ure clinical yrs

my honest feelings are
a) its really too soon to call it..

b) if they can wrangle the melbourne uni medicine professor they have more money/influence than i expected

c) they will headhunt.. or their course will end up being worthless.. this is if they get enough money....

d) the best clinicians that teach are not always at RPA or westmead.. they are good.. but there are other ppl out there..

e) it will NOT JUST be Campbelltown... lik. with UNSW one of their teaching hospital is liverpool... UQ used bundaberg at one stage.. so its variable

heres wat i was told when i ended up with a 'dud' (well i thought it was a dud) placement...
"at a smaller hospital u get to realli try ure skills... because ppl come in and u cant use the name of the ward to figure out the problem...all u know is tat it's 'an emergency' not the respiratory unit or the GI unit.. cos tat wont test ure clinical skills that tests ure reading"

after that i realise why ppl love general practice.. and why smaller hospitals despite the 'crappier' reputation are better to learn in.. cos i had to think...

does anyone know how much time you spend with hospital doctors compared to uni lecturers/doctors?

typically i do.. i hear its similar to most schools
- in 1st yr..1-4 hrs a week at hospital
- in 2nd yr 5-7 hrs a week
- in 3rd yr 10hrs?,,.. im not sure as i havent got my timetable
- 4th 5th 6th typically 50-70hrs i heard...

Would doing clinical training in SW Sydney have any disadvantages over those in inner Sydney?

-basic medical degree training is the first step...specialist do not always make the best teachers.. they are like rainman.. and can sometimes cock up the simplest things.. like teaching u..
u dun need very good doctors and like for us its interns and upwards will do.. in fact the less specialist they are the better for ure bachelors.. cos ure not goin to be a specialist yet

-advantage i think.. is the amount of ego u may have to deal with is less :)

-disadvantage.. ure the 1st pilot yr.. that will have teething problems cos they are still fine tuning

but a medical degree is a medical degree .. this isnt law.. or commerce.. this is a different class...

if u are worried... contact the faculty? with your questions about where are their clinical schools
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