Volunteers wanted for Union Week (1 Viewer)



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Hi there,

Union Week is coming and we need volunteers. That means you.

What's Union Week? Union Week is a week-long showcase of all things Union in Week 3, Session 2. Along with carnival games, bands and lots of bar games we'll be showing off lots of the other great things the Union does - its food and retail outlets, volunteer programs, dance classes, courses, art facilities and heaps more.

There'll be heaps happening on campus from cheap food to give-aways and competitions... And we need you to make it happen. With VSU on the horizon, Union Week is more important than ever. Its our chance to show all students at UNSW just how much their Union does and can do for them.

If you're interested in helping out let us know. Contact Mike Richardson & Jeff Forrest, the Union Week 2005 team, at union.week@union.unsw.edu.au. You don't need to commit to specific times yet - we'll just take down your details and get back to you in the coming weeks about how and what you can do. Just send us your name and contact details and we're in business.

Oh, by the way, you'll score yourself some funky Union Week wear and of course there'll be lunch vouchers, parties and the chance to hang out with friends old and new.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Mike & Jeff
Union Week 2005


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