Ok say someone has never did any website designing or programming which would be the best, would that be FrontpageMedNez said:That's purely a matter of opinion. Dreamweaver, as I see it, is the most efficient web coding program available, allownig you to draw tables or layers graphically, while still being able to code languages purely in text (albiet with syntax highlighting).
It depends on your level of programming, or personal preference. Some people find Frontpage earlier as it is closer to Word (and therfore familiar in use), while some prefer the more advanced (and somewhat clearer) code of Dreamweaver.
My answer would be yes, Dreamweaver is the most efficient.
Rightio, then thanks, i would think that alot of ppl would find that helpfulMedNez said:I'd still recommend you get into a good habit early and use Dreamweaver. Once you get the hang of things it is really good at doing it's job - it just takes patience to learn, as with anything.
For someone unfamiliar with many programs, that is, closer to computer illiterate, I'd recommend Frontpage for it's easy to use format, like that of Microsoft Word.
In summary:
New to web design, Dreamweaver
Relatively new to computers, or not computer literate, Frontpage
LOL yeah! gO notepad!! ^____________^"HellVeN said:I got one word for you - Notepad.