Welcome to the 2022 Discussion Subforum (1 Viewer)

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Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
[1] Intro
Welcome 2022 & 2023 HSC students, to the 2022 Discussion Subforum

Please keep the General Discussion on the 2022 HSC forum solely for general discussion relating to the HSC.
I'd encourage strongly the sharing of resources in this forum as well such as notes/past papers; although I recommend using the inbuilt resource features available here.

[2] All sorts of forums
If you have a question/discussion regarding a specific HSC subject related topic, please post it in the relevant subject forum. For example if you have a question related to your English Area of Study it needs to be placed in the 'English (Area of Study) subforum in the English forums. If you have a question regarding university please place it in the university sections.

[3] PIP Surveys & Selling HSC Notes/Textbooks
  • If you want to sell notes/textbooks please post in the Buy/Sell thread.
  • For PIP surveys or CAFS IRP surveys please post in the surveys forum or in the relevant subject forum. Posts in the discussion here will be deleted without warning.
  • No requests for copyrighted material nor advertising the trading/distribution of copyrighted papers/textbooks allowed. Posts will be deleted without warning, and there will be consequences for repeat offenders.

[4] Contributing files & resources
The best way to make this valuable, especially with upcoming syllabus changes is to be generous in donating past papers, notes and other useful resources.

If you wish to contribute, the easiest way is to upload the files, especially notes using the Upload Function of the Resource sections. For past papers, you can do the same, or more easily attach them to a thread either a Dropbox/Google Drive link. (Not sure how, send a friendly PM)

And finally, any enquiries, feel free to contact any of moderating team.

Apart from that have a great HSC year, and hopefully these forums will be a helpful resource in getting through the year and beyond.

Advertising, cyber-bullying/harassment, spam posts (including off-topic & irrelevant posting) will not be tolerated. Consequences may apply as per the discretion of the moderation team. Replying to spambot material in some cases can also be considered as spam. So if a post is suspicious please report to moderators thanks.

Spammers and repeat offenders of irrelevant posting or abuse will receive infractions/bans. So there are consequences.

Do not delete posts once your question has been answered. Other HSC students might find the question useful.
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