1. eyre is, at least in part, based on a feminist reading
2. if you talk about a production you have to say who the producer was --> the point you're trying to get across is:
a) what techniques have they used that create a reading/interpretation?
b) what is/are this/these interpretation(s)/reading(s)?
c) how do these reflect the context/purpose of the text?
eg. for Eyre's production you could talk about psychological, domestic or feminist readings. say you talked about psychological. you would need to pick techniques, so you could talk about, uh, costuming and actor movement in the 'division of the kingdom' scene, describe the relevant points and explain how this creates a freudian reading where goneril is the mother figure, reagan is the lover figure and cordelia is the death goddess. then you could talk about how this reflects modern philosophy and what it tells us about Lear's character
is that any help or just more confusing?