WHAT SHOULD I DROP??? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2024
this too. everyone will tell you to drop your worst subject esp on bos but if you genuinely believe you can put in the work to improve you can keep your worst subject and drop smth else. ultimately make your hsc enjoyable via your subjects otherwise you wont be motivated to study.
yes exactly!! I kept my "worst subject" and dropped another. I got a band 6 and was the only one to do so because I put in the work to get there.


Active Member
Mar 11, 2024
The Batcave
yeah ig?? but taking 2u maths again as an example, i got slightly under a raw 90 for hsc and my aligned examination mark was 94 i believe (so 5 or more extra marks). for context i did 2023 exam under timed conditions and i got a raw 97. i wasn't that happy with an 80 something but i felt more like "bc its hard even if i did a little worse than expected, its likely alignment will help me get the mark i was gonna get if the exam was easier". i didnt rely on alignment to save me is what i meant to say, i was already a good maths adv student.

its kind of like how not everyone takes 4u maths because regardless of the excellent scaling if you suck at it you still suck. but that being considered because its hard even a raw 60-70 in the exam can hit a 90 in most years. you dont rely on it but its just the added benefit. you do good AND let the system help you out.

its not a bad idea to take harder subjects even if your raw mark will be lower than if you did an easier subject. nobody that gets 99+ (at least for undergrad med purposes) is deterred from taking harder subjects like bio bc they are going to have harder exams this year bc it is beneficial if you are already a good bio student.
While u are correct about all that, but i don't think this would rly apply to op's situation. I'm not trying to discredit ur achievements or anything (a B6 in Maths ADV is amazing btw). Its js that aside from maths and english adv, the other subjects scale quite poorly so most of what I have said is going off that fact.

And to OP, its worthwhile having a look at the break-even point for your subjects. This tells u at what point your mark starts to scale positively which can be a good indicator.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2024
One other consideration you could take, is the requisites around math or English for your course. With a number of courses recently, requisites for math ext1 have been dropped to 2u and from math advanced to standard. Likewise, you may consider dropping to English standard if you may not prefer the level of sophistication required of you in writing. This is only to be looked at if you really can’t decide on dropping another subject AND the requisites for your preferred course permit you to drop down in English or math.


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
While u are correct about all that, but i don't think this would rly apply to op's situation. I'm not trying to discredit ur achievements or anything (a B6 in Maths ADV is amazing btw). Its js that aside from maths and english adv, the other subjects scale quite poorly so most of what I have said is going off that fact.
im not referring to OP when i say that, i was just responding to your advice to consider how since last year's exam was hard this year exams might be hard, and this being a deterrent to picking certain subjects.

i get that you are trying to tell them to be aware of it and your advice is def valuable for someone aiming for a 99+ atar, but focusing too much on scaling and the alignment, break even point etc. when deciding subjects usually deters ppl from taking subjects they are good at. it pressures people to just pick the high scaling subjects instead of picking the subject that are right for them and worrying about things that are out of their control like whether or not the hsc exam is going to be hard.

i personally know of people with 5 or more units of humanities and no maths that got a 99+, and one of them was dux of a top 50 school a few years ago. yes their subjects were low scaling but they were this person's strength and by playing to their strengths they were able to achieve a high atar regardless. so instead of picking high or low scaling subjects this person should really just play to their strengths.

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