Macquarie University Unofficial BoS FAQ.
(Disclaimer: While we endeavour to provide you with accurate information, please do not take what we say as the final word, and refer to the Student Enquiry Service, located in the Lincoln Building [where you pay your fees] or the relevant staff for the official stance.)
[*]Alternate Entry into MQ
[*]Clubs & Societies
[*]Concurrent Degrees
[*]Cover Sheets
[*]Credit Points
[*]UAI Cutoffs
[*]Sample Structures
[*]Divisions & Departments
[*]Essay Writing Guides
[*]Food Outlets
[*]Grade Point Average
[*]the Gym
[*]the Handbook
[*]Internal Transfers
[*]Library Services/Facilities
[*]Lighthouse Theatre
[*]Mentor Program
[*]Student Enquiry Service
[*]Students at Mac
[*]Summer School