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what's the difference? (2 Viewers)


Sexy Member
May 28, 2006
was just wondering about the difference between BA in Communications and BA (Media and Communications) because it seems that the first course is only offered at this uni and the media and com course is offered at USYD, UNSW and UWS to name a few.
The thing is all the Unis described their course in a different way and now i'm really confused. If its the same degree then it must contain the same stuff right?
and just wondering why BA in communications is only offered here as well.
sorry if that block didn't make much sense, im just really confused right now :p


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
They're just names, for example:
MQ has the BMedia and the BCreative Arts
UWS has BCommunication
USYD has BA (Media and Communications)
UTS has BA in Communications
UNSW has BA (Media and Communications), BSci (Media and Communications) BSci in Communication and BDigitalMedia
UOW has BCommunications and Media, BCreative Arts and BJournalism

All of them have parallels, to the point where you can do similar majors and have similar job expectations. The main reason the universities give them different names is marketing reasons - if you want to do something at uni, look at subject matter and see which course has the subjects you want. The universities will also all run their programs a little differently - a BA in one place is different to one somewhere else - despite the similar content.

Regarding the differences;

You get a communications core where you study media, cultural studies and socio-politics. Then you have your major which is either public communications (advertising and/or public relations), writing, media arts and production, journalism or social inquiry. You also have some electives to go with it that you can take from anywhere, even other universities. Also includes possibility for an internship. 3 years.

You get a BA with an added media major - which involves generalised media study, a subject on journalism and one on PR. Also has an internship at the end. The remainder is a BA - you get to choose pretty much any two majors from the university so long as you have another arts major. 4 years.

Media and Comm program here is a digital media major embedded within either a 3 year BA or BSci, you then choose a second major based on your degree. The BSci Comm is a 3 year science degree with a major in communication processes and the history and philosophy of science, you also choose a second science major, also have a couple of free electives.

Digital Media is more like a concentrated digital media program with much less BA type stuff. 3 years.

Media has a media major, gets more specific in your major: multimedia, writing or visual production (i think). There's also the option for a BA majoring in media cultures. There's also quite a few electives in there.

There's also the BCA which is sort of a counter-part to UTS' more creative programs. You get to study arts administration and financing plus a major in creative writing, performance studies or music (i hear you can do dance as well if you're willing to go to UNSW for that part of your degree). You also study a core program of cultures to my recollection.

BCM is kinda similar in design to the MQ Media program. The BJourn is a fairly full on concentrated journalism course (which i know very little about). Their BCA is also a fairly full on course, majoring in either: creative writing, performance, music, digital media or visual arts.

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