..... I'm kinda slow and missed out on her offensive comments on Steve Irwin but what were they?
Sparcod Hello! Joined Dec 31, 2004 Messages 2,085 Location Suburbia Gender Male HSC 2006 Sep 9, 2006 #1 ..... I'm kinda slow and missed out on her offensive comments on Steve Irwin but what were they?
A Aznpsycho Supplies! Joined Apr 7, 2005 Messages 225 Gender Undisclosed HSC N/A Sep 9, 2006 #3 Your thread title and content do not match. Germaine Greer is appearing to slowly deteriorate into insanity over time - she may or may not have been relevant several decades ago, but today seems to make up for it with angry rhetoric and rantery.
Your thread title and content do not match. Germaine Greer is appearing to slowly deteriorate into insanity over time - she may or may not have been relevant several decades ago, but today seems to make up for it with angry rhetoric and rantery.
G Generator Active Member Joined Jul 26, 2002 Messages 5,244 Gender Undisclosed HSC N/A Sep 9, 2006 #4 Question answered.