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World War 3 is coming! (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Mar 13, 2005
False flag operations: are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.

ok i was right, by just looking at the events thats happened i have joined the dots and came to the conclusion that war world 3 is coming. Let me tell you how.

the reason why there is still 25,000 americans in lebanon right now is because they want them to be hostages then get injured or killed and then pin point it to Hezballah for hurting and killing some americans and then its a one way ticket to ww3. The US government even told the people to stay where they are.

Once again this is a perfect example of a False flag operation. Let me show you guys something

[image here]

OK! now you've seen how this war in middle east was setup by these guys, i'll tell you some random FACTS.


1) Hezballah was funded and created by Israelis back in 1980s(check jeruselum paper)
2)There was always unreported cases of kidnapping of soldiers, up until now when it received alot of media coverage. Why now?
3) Saudi Arabia funds Pakistian funds North Korea with nuclear technology.
4)Israel has been bombing the civilian infrastructure in Lebanon such as electrical power plants, 50 bridges, water treatment plant, lebananese army, arrival of fuel oil, airports destroyed, civilian areas, all of the highways that leads out of this country
5) Iranian leaders has been attending North Korea's missile launches recently.
6) Americans has admitted on 19th July 2006, that they will invade Iran and/or Syria if they do not stop Hezbollah

Ok now i'll explain how all these facts are interconnected and how it will lead to world war 3. This is what i think should happen in the next few weeks. Lebanon is used to show the media how they deserved it so bascially Lebanon will become a ruin and nothing will happen after those bombings because the real goal is Iran and Syria. AS SOON as Americans invade Iran or Syria, WW3 is going to unfold from there. It may not nessary be a fast paced WW3. When Iran gets invaded, North Korea will join in to help their allie Iran. When North Korea joins in China will join in to fight the N. Koreans. When america is there all alone, britain is always offering to help, then Australia. France, pakistian and then eventually all of Europe will join in. REMEMBER GUYS, back in WW2 it was fight against communism, WW3 is fight against Terrorism, do you see a pattern here? A new opposition is being created very very easily and by using that FEAR to manipulate any countrie's military forces. As proven before 9/11 was a pretext. In WW2, there was FEAR of communism spreading to the world. OK if you still believe what mainstream media has to say, by the way they are being paid to either censor or produce fake news and their news are VERY biased and pro government. Anyways you see in the up coming weeks.


New Member
Mar 13, 2005

Israeli Bombardment Of Lebanon Escalation For World War Three
Hyped incursions, kidnappings designed to trap Syria and Iran

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | July 24 2006

The Israeli bombardment of Lebanon is the next escalation of a conflict that is being orchestrated according to a set roadmap that leads directly to World War Three.

Israel, the United States and Great Britain have been caught red-handed on numerous occasions staging terror attacks and false flag provocations in the Middle East for over 50 years.

How can we any longer believe anything our governments tell us about their actions in the Middle East?

Immediately after Bush's ultimatum to Iran which was rebuffed, conventional and normal captures and military incursions on both sides, when measured against the bellwether of the usual temperature of chaos in the region, are suddenly hyped beyond all proportion by the world media.

Israel's bombardment of the length and breadth of Lebanon has been characterized by its targeting of innocent civilians - including two incidents in Marwaheen and Taire where civilians were ordered to leave an area whereupon their escape vehicles were deliberately pulverized by Israeli Hellfire missiles.

At their root these are the very characteristics of a terrorist state engaging in terrorist attacks upon innocent populations.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah's limited response has impacted mainly military targets - with many suggesting that the often recycled pictures of damage from Hezbollah rockets betrays the notion that thousands have been fired as the Israelis claim.

Some would go further and finger the Israelis for attacking their own interests to maintain a false scapegoat and justification for further evisceration in Lebanon. Israel's documented history of manufacturing phony Al-Qaeda groups to demonize the Palestinians is without question.

Israel's insistence that a ground war and an advance into northern Lebanon is not out of the question could bring the Syrians and their Iranian allies into the conflict which would in turn would present the saliva-drenched Neo-Cons with their long-awaited pretext to take Assad and Ahmadinejad out of the game.

This is nothing less than a cooked escalation for war.

As reported by New Yorker magazine, US troops and special operations forces have been active inside Iran for over a year waiting for the right opportunity to enact destabilization tactics once the green light is given.

This is simply another fuse that has been lit to ignite the order out of chaos agenda that has already turned Iraq into a hellhole only stable enough for one foundational precedent - a limitless occupation and an endless slush fund of no-bid contracts for US government affiliated corporations. In addition, tight control of oil flow and jacked-up prices to promote artificial scarcity worldwide continue to benefit blueprints laid out by oil companies many years before.

Whether it stops in Lebanon or rolls into Syria - this is the orchestration of World War 3, World War 4 to Neo-Cons - if only on the level of a trial balloon to judge how events will play out when a similar hand is dealt.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
1. Articles require a link or a meaningful reference (a link is preferred).
2. If you're going to create a grand theory (or a conspiracy theory for that matter), you would be best to get your facts straight before you hit the submit button.

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