SD, what textbooks do you use? most should really have fairly straightforward explanations of them.
World Bank - basically lends to developing countries for development, aka IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, did wonders after WW2, somewhat lost its touch in recent days, still, a lot cleaner than the IMF. Suppose to lend money at no or little interests to developing economies to boost their infrastructure and growth so the western nations can more easily come and suck their nations dry of its resources.
IMF - International Monetary Fund, designed to ensure stability in internaitonal financial flows, they got bagged during the Asian Financial Crisis, suffice to say, the Chairmans had a lot of Wall Street buddies who lost billions in the crisis, the IMF would only lend drastically needed short term aid if the Tiger economies swallow the 'structural readjustment package', which basically fucked domestic demand and allowed their Wall Street buddies to recouporate their losses. Still known to be currying favours under a thinnly cloaked neo-liberal bullshit ideology.
GATT - Originally named International Trade Organisation, it was designed to ensure the liberalisation of trade, I am sure you can discuss the benefits of free trade, so nuff said.
The pure purpose of all 3 organisations was to encourage liberalisation and globalisation, it's overly utopian and is creating a lot of problems.
GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within an economy within a certain period of time.
As for GDP, yep thats about it, GDP = Y (income) = AD (aggregate demand) = C (consumption) + G (government revenue - government expenditure) + I (investment) + NX (net exports).