I am sitting my first year 11 business exam on topic 1 “the nature of business" next week. Our teacher said we need “simple and specific business examples/case studies to reinforce the point.”
does anyone have a resource or can give me pointers?
i find it difficult that it needs to be a specifc company
I am working on external influences on a business; financial
i wrote ‘coles and woolies lowering prices’ but i think it should be more specific to deregulation, debt, equity, global finance
sny help is greatly appreciated.
does anyone have a resource or can give me pointers?
i find it difficult that it needs to be a specifc company
I am working on external influences on a business; financial
i wrote ‘coles and woolies lowering prices’ but i think it should be more specific to deregulation, debt, equity, global finance
sny help is greatly appreciated.