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yr 11 Subject selection dilemma T-T (2 Viewers)

Shavi Masee

New Member
May 18, 2024
Okay so this is what I have planned so far
Math Ext 1 (3)
English Advanced (2)
Physics (2)
Music 2 (2)
SOR 1(compulsory) (1)
Chem (2)
Photography (1)

Visual arts is a reserve.

1. My math teacher said I'm on the brink of Adv and Ext 1, she thinks I'll struggle with the workload on top of my other subjects. Should I pick ext 1 and then drop it if it's challenging?
2. I honestly suck at English, a lot of people told me to pick adv, check it out, and then drop to std if it's hard. Is that a logical thing to do?
3. I have no idea what I wanna do after hs, how do I explore the courses in uni and know if I'll enjoy them? Should I then pick subjects based on that?
4. How the heck does scaling work? Should I be worried?


New Member
May 31, 2023
1) If your teacher says she's worried that you'll struggle with the workload for Math ext, I reccommend just not doing it. Unless you love maths and are really motivated, since it is a 1u course, you'll also have to worry about whether or not you have time for your other subjects and many people I know drops it at the start of year 12 because it is quiet challenging and not really worth the stress unless you are excelling in the subject.

2) For eng adv, I reccommend you trying it first since it won't do any harm. Scaling for standard eng is not great so you should be aiming for top 3 for standard if you are doing it. Just try adv out first, if its too hard then drop to std keeping the scaling in mind while doing so

3) I don't really reccommend picking subjects based on what you think you want to do for Uni. Trust me, it'll change a lot. Also if you do end up doing that and hate the subjects you picked it'll just make your senior years a lot more difficult. Motivation is already a hard thing to keep up esp with all the stress so I say pick subjects that are not too low scaling, know you'll perform decent in them and to an extent, also enjoy.

wollongong warrior

Active Member
Oct 7, 2023
1. Are you thinking of pursuing stem? If yes, exposure to ext 1 maths will be good
2. Advanced and std English are the same thing, literally. Don't be fooled that if you drop advanced English because it's too hard, that you'll get an easier time in standard. In reality it'll get harder since you'll have to catch up on the texts they've covered so far
3. Pick what you're interested in and/or good at
4. Your scaling matters if the degree you're trying to get into requires a high atar


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2023
Okay so this is what I have planned so far
Math Ext 1 (3)
English Advanced (2)
Physics (2)
Music 2 (2)
SOR 1(compulsory) (1)
Chem (2)
Photography (1)

Visual arts is a reserve.

1. My math teacher said I'm on the brink of Adv and Ext 1, she thinks I'll struggle with the workload on top of my other subjects. Should I pick ext 1 and then drop it if it's challenging?
Nah keep 3u and only drop it if you are seriously struggling and cant cope. If I was u I would take what ur teacher said with a grain of salt 🙂 but thats just me ig

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