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also need to get this off my chest: last term made one of the best poems i've ever done. excessive 4 pages of doublespaced freeverse (+ fandom-related!!) all for an ungraded for-fun assignment. english extension & advanced teachers gave thumbs up. did so well during in-class recitation but was too scared to ask if i could recite it in year-wide poetry slam. i am still seething :head in hands:
the way i instantly got a headache once i started studying for legal. its a sign…. (im so cooked [but it’s gonna be fine and the universe is kind] im so scared)
I'm rockin' I'm rolling
I'm holding, I know it
You know it
You know I know how
To make 'em stop and stare as I zone out
The club can't even handle me right now
Watchin' you watchin' me I go all out
The club can't even handle me right now
The club can't even handle me right now
hi jimmy, im in my subject selection period rn and i was wondering how was ur experience with eng standard if you dont mind sharing bc im having a hard time deciding between standard or adv. ive been told that im in the middle of both courses so any advice would be appreciated.

Generally speaking, it would be better to take English Advanced, although you need to remember that it is slightly more difficult than English Standard. Since your level falls between the two subjects, you may wish to take English Advanced in year 11 and see how you go.
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Based on your performance, you can make an informed decision about whether to keep English Advanced going into year 12, or drop to English Standard. :)
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Thanks for the advice, i think i might try adv honestly but i rlly appreciate the message 👍
is wikipedia a reliable source?