i am not 100% sure but...
Classical reasoning says the black body radiation emitted are EMR generated by accelerations of the constituent charges of the BB( i will refer these guys to be the oscillators in the BB), caused by thermal energy.
Upon studies of this blackbody EMR, we deduce the following features:
1. Emitted radiation consist of a continous spectrum of wavelengths from all portions of the EMR spectrum.
2. There is a wavelengths that is emitted at maximum intensity. And the value of that wavelengths is only dependent upon the temperature of the black body.
3. Total emitted intensity increases with temperature.
In trying to account for all these features mathematically using classical reasoning, we arrive at UV catastrophe.
Planck's hypothesis:
1. Energy of oscillators in the black body is quantised into quantum states, each with energy E=0hf, hf, 2hf....nhf (where f is the frequency of oscillation of the charges, and n is quantum number of the energy state)
2. Oscillators emit a photon with E=hf when the oscillator moves from the higher quantum state to a lower one. (so the energy emitted is energy lost by charge, and its magnitude is actually dependent on the its frequency of oscillation) And also it cant emit E=2hf, since quantum state shifts linearly, ie charge has to fall to quantum state E=2hf before it falls to E=hf.
3. For oscaillators oscillating with high frequency the quantum states are far apart on the energy diagram(charge has to experience a huge energy change, and statistically, this happens rarely) hence changes in quantum states are less likely to occur to oscillators with high frequency, so high frenquency photon emitted are rare (explains low energy density observed.
This explained the black body curve where as the classical theory did not.