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Christian Uganda proposes death penalty for HIV positive gays (1 Viewer)


Sep 12, 2009
Amalgamated garbage. You provide what purports to be evidence but you don't support it with a citation. No doubt that these numbers you've contrived are subject to fallibility. Just a minor detail eh?

Anyway, repost that with a proper font and make it more organised. I want to address each of these flawed points you have put forth. The current format that you have employed does not facilitate this.
Been there, done that.

Let me just get those juicy citations for you, Bible basher! But make no mistake, they're real. I hope you haven't been so brainwashed you can't recognise the facts.


And other sources, but that one gives you all you need to know.


Sep 12, 2009
You'll have to amend the format of our post before you get a response mate.

I must ask, what on earth possesed you to use a small font and post in that format?
From what I'm seeing on my screen, it's already fixed dude.

I don't know why it happened, BoS has been acting up on me for days.

I thought I'd fixed it before you tried to make a point out of it.
Last edited:


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
so you'll ban her for posting explicit gay pornography but you won't delete it?

Okay cool just checking


Mar 11, 2009
My World
The actions of the Rwandan priests, nuns, bishops are not and should not be symptomatic of the Christian doctrines. Is the Communist Manifesto rendered evil because Kim Jong Il opts to enslave the North Korean population? There is minimal correlation between the manifesto and what spurs Kim's agenda and actions. Similarly, the New Testament does not substantiate the actions that you have charged on these 'nuns, priests and bishops'. These individuals have deviated from Christian teachings and have not acted in accordance with Christ’s teachings. This essentially means that Christians have engaged in atrocities, not Christianity has instructed atrocity through the ideals it requires that we follow.

Fact of the matter - Abstinence prevents HIV/AIDS. The Church does not place a blockade on the distribution on condoms; they simply do not supply them. Instead, they instruct their adherents to exercise abstinence which is more effective and efficient than condom use.

I once again find your assertion that rationality/reasonableness and Christianity are mutually exclusive highly objectionable. It's just a stupid and cheap slur which won't be dignified with refutation.

The existence of a slave trade is morally repugnant to me. I don't deny its existence and it is a source of immense revulsion to me. However, the New Testament does not substantiate it, especially the teachings of Christ. To a Christian, the Old Testament is incongruent if it is not read with the New Testament in close proximity.

Our Oil is mined from East Timor. I do not wear any forms of jewelry and my family possesses very little jewelry, let alone from Africa.

Once again, you provide numbers not evidence. I'll address the numbers anyway. This is Spanish/Portuguese/European colonisation not Christian colonisation. Empires resolved to expand and their religion invariably came with it. The Soviets consumed Eastern Europe and diluted Christianity. The Arabs expanded in order to open trade barriers and enrich themselves; sadly, Islam followed. It's just a reality my friend and not something that Christianity has a monopoly on.

As I said, the problems incurred within South America can and should be attributed to the United Stated of America, especially liberal regions which use drugs. If you have a problem with colonisation then take it up with the Spanish and Portuguese governments not the Catholic Church.

Finally, I am nice to many others just not you. I find your attack on Christianity to be affronting which is why I am not nice to you. I endorse the bible in much but not all of its entirety. I don't endorse the Old Testament in its entirety and read it in lieu of what the New Testament teaches. If a teaching in the Old Testament contravenes a teaching in the New Testament then I must obviously disregard it. For this reason, I will not sell my sister and if I were to have a daughter in the future I will not put her up on the slave trade. However, as a human being I am fallible and I cannot always uphold my religious obligations.
You and iron should have a tea party

ill refer to your first post, as thats where the contradictions began

they are 'doing' something in iraq/afganistan (not much+we stuffed it up in the first place)

AND the situation in Uganda is a case of Human Rights abuse, and the fact that you "endorse it in its entirety" is just sickening. You give christians a bad name, i dont see how u could endorse the slaughter of innocent people.

The only just way to combat AIDs is education and condoms-and the fact that this legislation is discriminating against homosexual people in particular. one part that makes me physically sick is:

The Bill proposes a three-year prison sentence for anyone who is aware of evidence of homosexuality and fails to report it to the police within 24 hours. And it would impose a sentence of up to seven years for anyone who defends the rights of gays and lesbians."

I dont even know why im replying to you, seeming as you refer to homosexuality as a disorder- it just shows how ignorant you are.

Please dont call yourself a christian, i have christian friends, and they believe in love and peace, whereas you obviously have other values


Mar 11, 2009
My World
Unless we've now absolved our sovereignty to the the Soviet government we haven't done shit to Afghanistan.

Gays aren't innocent people. They're compounding the problem in African countries and in effect causing the death of millions of people. Hardly innocent people.

The problem of AIDS in Africa is an African problem. They will solve it the way that they see fit. They don't need Western intrusion.

I suspect that the aforementioned part of the bill will be amended in the congress as it's not tenable in its current form.

I shouldn't have called it a disorder. Disorder implies that they have no control over their choices when in fact that they do. In any case, I believe gays morph into their inclinations and it's not a birth defect or gene defect.

Do not dictate to me whether I can call myself a Christian or not. I know more about my faith than you do so please accept my invitation to shut the fuck up, excuse my French.

I certainly have an array of values. Religious integrity is central to my values and I'll ensure that no liberal trend ever clouds my judgment.
Do you know anything about the intervention of America in Iraq to fight iran??? or the fact that America placed Hussein in power?? Though this isnt what this thread is about.

As i said before, the only just way to combat AIDs is education and use of condoms. AIDs can also be prevented passing down generations by giving the mother medicine worth $4 while the baby is still in her womb(and the baby is cured).

It seems to me that you are contradicting yourself, when u say its better to kill less people than kill more people. The lesser of two evils is still evil, and the AIDs epidemic can be combated as i said above, with education, medicine and condoms, none of which involve killing anyone.

Although every country has state sovereignty, there is also the UDHR, and the UN. We are all one people, so we cant turn a blind eye, or say it isnt our problem. It is a terribley weak argument, especially when discrimination that leads to murder is made legal, and anyone who knows of anyone who is homsexual, or has performed a homosexual act can be inprisoned too, even though they themselves are innocent.

I dont know what kind of christian you are, but as far as i know, christians are not supposed to swear. Furthermore, swearing demeans your argument and you lose your credibility as a faithful christian.

+I was asking not to call yourself a christian, not telling you =P
Sep 22, 2009
It wasn't an intervention dude. An intervention is precisely that, an intervention. Funneling arms isn't intervention, it's intrusion.

Preventing AIDS from medicine as you say is fantastic. Let's do it.
However, educating people to engage in abstinence is the best way to prevent AIDS. Africans are a backward people and distributing condoms will almost certainly result in an increase in promiscuity. Africa is not the place to be testing your liberal agendas. I'm sorry but it's not.

If you're so concerned about the world as you claim you are then petition about the gross abuse of human rights in Iran. We didn't tell Khomeni to take the country back the stone age. That was their choice. It's a classic case of leave the Muzzis alone and persecute the Christians. It's outrageous.

The section indicting innocent people should and will be amended. It's not a tenable section of the legislation.

Christians aren't supposed to swear? Well shit happens buddy. People swear.
Swearing doesn't demean my agrument. I find that it complements it.

I have categorically refused to follow your request or question as you put it.
stop posting thanks


Apr 7, 2009
Teh Interwebz
You guys seem to think catholics are christian....

The catholic cult is a scurge upon mankind that gives the true church a bad name! They treat the popes word as law and believe that his words are the words of god! Nowhere in the bible does it say that god would keep sending people to change his word, in fact, revelation 22:18-19 says, "if any add anything to [the words of the bible], God will add to their punishmen the plagues decribed in this book. And if any take anything away from the prophetic words of this book, God will take away from them their share of the fruit from the tree of life" (GNB). The pope quite clearly fits the first description and therefore is non-biblical. This means that catholics are not truely christians....having said this, I do not believe the majority of them will be excluded from heaven as they know no better


Nov 21, 2009
I'm fixing it up
Good post. The Catholic Church forfeited their right to call themselves the New Testament Orthodox Church when the Pope unilaterally altered the understanding of the Nicean Creed.

The Orthodox Church is the true Church of God.
Christianity is a dangerous ideology and must be crushed.


Apr 7, 2009
Teh Interwebz
It's no laughing matter. It secretly advocates the disgusting act of pedophilia.
No the catholic cults ban on marraige for priests (despite titus saying that a leader should be married) meant that homosexual men could enter the clergy to avoid detection...

These homosexual men then raped the altar boys..

with homosexual coming to be seen as ok, farf less men are entering the clergy

The church however believes does not condone the breaking of regional laws (except those banning religions)


Nov 20, 2008
Islam promote war, its in the Quran
Have you read the Quran? Or are you one of those that take quotes out of context and insist they promote violence? The Quran, when you take into account its context which you have not done, allows muslims to engage in war for the purpose of defense. When the Quran was revealed, muslims were persecuted endlessly, so God made it permissible for the muslims to defend themselves.

Before making such comments, I advise you to read the Quran first.


Jun 16, 2008
This is not a Christian nation. Its a facade they hide behind in order to ascertain any justification of their illicit affairs. Uganda's currupt government sickens me.


I am Jack's wasted life.
Mar 22, 2008
You guys seem to think catholics are christian....

The catholic cult is a scurge upon mankind that gives the true church a bad name! They treat the popes word as law and believe that his words are the words of god! Nowhere in the bible does it say that god would keep sending people to change his word, in fact, revelation 22:18-19 says, "if any add anything to [the words of the bible], God will add to their punishmen the plagues decribed in this book. And if any take anything away from the prophetic words of this book, God will take away from them their share of the fruit from the tree of life" (GNB). The pope quite clearly fits the first description and therefore is non-biblical. This means that catholics are not truely christians....having said this, I do not believe the majority of them will be excluded from heaven as they know no better

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