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are you lonely? (1 Viewer)


May 18, 2009
A shoe box in the middle of the road
hey, well being lonely is something that happens to everyone at some point. It just depends on how you deal with it as to whether it goes away or not. I have so many friends that sometimes i feel like i'm drowning trying to keep up with them all, u know, always being there for them etc. The thing is, you are in control of your own happiness, if your friends aren't making you happy, stop relying on them. Try finding something you love doing, something you're passionate about, to make you feel good. For me its horse riding, i can go for a ten k trail ride on my own and come back feeling as though i'd solved all the worries of the world. So find something you love doing, something thats yours, you can control it and enjoy it without other people and their emotions changing the way you feel. Spend time with your friends but don't rely on them to be happy. control your own happyness. :)


Oct 15, 2008
Wagga Wagga
No, I'm not lonely at all, that's why I'm on BOS at 1:50AM with nothing to do.

In all serious, I'm fairly lonely, my boyfriend lives 500kms away, and I don't consider any one else "friends" any more, but I don't suffer from being lonely. I'm happy with one special friend, no matter the distance.

(This comment took me three minutes to write...I counted)
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Sep 13, 2009
despite what some turds will say to you, being lonely is normal, and it doesn't mean you're worthless and/or ugly and/or stupid.

it just means you're going through a tough time.

the best thing you can do is get out there and meet new people.


Oct 7, 2009
The octagon
im a island,wolf and bottled proberly cos im a guy and i don't really care about anything else but drawing so.i can sort of relate.i just listen to my ipod and watch t.v to get through the day


Jun 3, 2009
i have no idea where to put this thread but oh well.... hope it's alright here.

so the question is are you lonely? do u feel like you dont fit anywhere? or doesnt have a person where you can trust or someone to listen to you rant about stuff?

well, i do have friends but sometimes i feel like i dont belong there. sometimes i feel so left out or they just shut me out....it like a feeling of not wanting to be there.

i guess im just a lonely person who build a wall around herself and just go with the flow of life. i dont have a person who i can talk to cos maybe they dont bother listening to me or is not there when i needed them (for example: when my brother was in hospital and was near death no one was there to comfort me through my depression) i usually find myself shopping alone.

so is there anyone out there who is in a group but feel like they dont belong? or am i the only one? just share ur thoughts and feelings i guess.
I kind of feel this way too, Its not that I don't have friends, I have plenty of great friends, its just I don't really have anyone I feel I can tell anything to. My friends don't shut me out or anything like that though, I'm just not close enough with anyone to "spill my soul". This does feel frustrating every now and then when I really feel like talking to someone about something but I don't have anywhere to turn to really, but its not such a problem because I'm slightly introverted so I can generally cope with this ok.

Part of the problem I think is that I don't trust anyone fully. Maybe this is partially due to some nasty experiences as a kid, but its probably just a personality trait. For me to trust someone enough to have a relationship in which I tell them absolutely everything on my mind, and keep no secrets, I would have to have known them for years, and they would have to have proved themselves worthy over and over again. I guess this is just a personality trait of mine.


Feb 4, 2009
hi all. thanks all for replying to this thread. its been a year now and i havent been back cos i realised that this is not a place to expressed these kind of emotions. i dont expect sympathy nor am i trying to gain attention to myself. (maybe that is why i stay away from this forum) there are so many people out there who have no empathy for people who are suffering from this and i dont blame them. after all the human race are made like this.

for those who message me, sorry for not replying to them all but it really made me happy. im glad that there are people out there that are kind when im starting to lose hope for us human race. i might sound discriminating and a hypocrite but i been dealing with so many different customers at my job that im starting to see how little respect they have of us workers. and its really a shame.

for those who actually post something about there emotions and life im so glad that im not the only one, glad that you guys actually taken the time to want to share what you guys are going through as well. its really hard to expressed these feelings when you feel embarrased and 'alone.'

forget about the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future.


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
It was this year I realised that I had moved beyond my friends after three months overseas on exchange. I felt isolated, they rejected me more, I spent many months completely friendless. My wonderful French teacher tried to help me with the situation, found me a place at another selective school in case my 'friends' wouldn't have me back after so long. Feeling like nobody cared whether I was there or not made me feel so emotional about her being so supportive, even if it was just because I was a good student of hers. It got resolved eventually, superficially but... Being so lonely is so hard. I have a group, but we never go out and I know I don't like them.

It's a year until I'm out of school and in uni. Hopefully I won't go insane in that time. Loneliness and boredom really does things to you.


Resident Apologetic
Mar 18, 2008
Within the interwebz
i have no idea where to put this thread but oh well.... hope it's alright here.

so the question is are you lonely? do u feel like you dont fit anywhere? or doesnt have a person where you can trust or someone to listen to you rant about stuff?

well, i do have friends but sometimes i feel like i dont belong there. sometimes i feel so left out or they just shut me out....it like a feeling of not wanting to be there.

i guess im just a lonely person who build a wall around herself and just go with the flow of life. i dont have a person who i can talk to cos maybe they dont bother listening to me or is not there when i needed them (for example: when my brother was in hospital and was near death no one was there to comfort me through my depression) i usually find myself shopping alone.

so is there anyone out there who is in a group but feel like they dont belong? or am i the only one? just share ur thoughts and feelings i guess.
you should of done belonging as your AOS.

needless to say,
yes i do feel lonely at times.
peers my age arn't quite.. as mature as i am.
but i mean, outside of school i usually hang out with people a few years my senior.

i mean if i look at my peers, their interest just revolve around drinking. heh.
i mean one or two standard drinks is okay,
but drinking to the point of spewing up and drinking again.. all for the sake of ones vanity is not something i look forward to.

i'd say im an individual.
i don't belong to any clicks.
i'm a floater, i have a very wide spectrum of interests..

everyone goes through seasons of loneliness,
it's okay, dont think as if you're the only one.
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Jun 1, 2008
It was this year I realised that I had moved beyond my friends after three months overseas on exchange. I felt isolated, they rejected me more, I spent many months completely friendless. My wonderful French teacher tried to help me with the situation, found me a place at another selective school in case my 'friends' wouldn't have me back after so long. Feeling like nobody cared whether I was there or not made me feel so emotional about her being so supportive, even if it was just because I was a good student of hers. It got resolved eventually, superficially but... Being so lonely is so hard. I have a group, but we never go out and I know I don't like them.

It's a year until I'm out of school and in uni. Hopefully I won't go insane in that time. Loneliness and boredom really does things to you.
yeah i have friends like that, a group that's there just to fill up space. then you have a few people where you're really close to but usually for one or two reasons and you actually have nothing in common. i've got close friends, but not because they like the same things as me, one is for fashion (i'm not gay or metro), one is for music but he can be a bit antisocial and the other is for films. the problem with my friends are most of them come from dodgy situations like me, and most of us are somewhat self loathing so despite being good friends we destroy each other pretty well


Jun 1, 2008
It was this year I realised that I had moved beyond my friends after three months overseas on exchange. I felt isolated, they rejected me more, I spent many months completely friendless. My wonderful French teacher tried to help me with the situation, found me a place at another selective school in case my 'friends' wouldn't have me back after so long. Feeling like nobody cared whether I was there or not made me feel so emotional about her being so supportive, even if it was just because I was a good student of hers. It got resolved eventually, superficially but... Being so lonely is so hard. I have a group, but we never go out and I know I don't like them.

It's a year until I'm out of school and in uni. Hopefully I won't go insane in that time. Loneliness and boredom really does things to you.
lol wanna go on a date with me?

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