1. Interpersonal relationships (friends/family/boyfriend)
2. Exercise - I love being toned and fit. I've started body sculpting, and it's super hard but it's super awesome.
3. Healthy diet - see above.
4. Sleep
5. Personal appearance (ties in with the healthy diet, exercise and getting enough sleep, not so much about looking 'hawt')
6. Study/hobbies
- I love chemistry, I'm studying it at uni so i'm putting these together. If ihad to separate them, study would be near the bottom, hobbies mid/top.
7. Internet (i love a good facestalk as much as the next person, but it gets so boring.) - I'm clearly not a gamer.
8. Work. Today is my last day of full time work. I hate it. straight out of schol into 3 months of 9 hours days is the wrong thing to do! it's SO LAME!
Duffman is thrusting in your direction. OOOOOOH YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH