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Ancient History / Archaeologist students : (1 Viewer)


Sep 19, 2009
Hey, im currently doing my senior years at High school, I am thinking of doing a bachelor of Ancient history and also Archaeology.
I am just asking, those who are currently taking either of these courses, what do they plan on doing with these degrees?

I wouldn't think Archaeology would be a 'safe career' is there a lot of work for archaeologists?
I can't think of any jobs for Ancient history, besides teaching.

Also side question:
I've been on both the Macquarie university and Sydney university, both with Archaeology & Ancient history undergraduate courses. (I think)


I am confused about what subjects I can do.
On Macquarie university website, I search 'ancient history' undergraduate and it comes up with:

BA - Bachelor of Arts - Faculty of Arts - Macquarie University

Down the bottom it comes up with Ancient history as a major, along with other majors.
If I choose this course do I have to do anything besides the major I chose?

Also I searched 'Archaeology' and it came up with:

BAncHist (Hons) - honours degree of Bachelor of Ancient History - Faculty of Arts - Macquarie University

Its an honours degree, does that mean I can only do this degree after I finished bachelor of Ancient history?

Thanks, sorry if these are dumb questions.


Jan 28, 2009
I wouldn't think Archaeology would be a 'safe career' is there a lot of work for archaeologists?
there's actually quite a few jobs out there working on various excavation projects, and there's always lots of consulting work. Don't let parents/friends etc who have no idea what they're talking about convince you that you won't get a job!

On Macquarie university website, I search 'ancient history' undergraduate and it comes up with:

BA - Bachelor of Arts - Faculty of Arts - Macquarie University

Down the bottom it comes up with Ancient history as a major, along with other majors.
If I choose this course do I have to do anything besides the major I chose?
you'd need to check out what Macq's degree requirements are, but you'd usually have to do 2 majors.

Also I searched 'Archaeology' and it came up with:

BAncHist (Hons) - honours degree of Bachelor of Ancient History - Faculty of Arts - Macquarie University

Its an honours degree, does that mean I can only do this degree after I finished bachelor of Ancient history?
it means that this is a degree program targeted at students who achieve a high ATAR and want to study Ancient History. It's like an automatic pass into fourth-year honours (provided you maintain a good enough grade average during the previous 3 years). If you don't get into that degree, you can always apply for Honours when you're in 3rd year.

Personally I'd opt to do the BA, it'll give you a lot more flexibility with course options. Are you committed to going to uni in Sydney? You should really consider ANU's archaeology program as well if you're serious about this as a career. Of course it depends what kind of archaeology you're interested in. For example, for bioarchaeology/physical anthropology ANU is the best bet, while if you're a budding Egyptologist then go to Macq. If you have a closer look at the actual subjects offered by each university that should help you make up your mind :)


Dec 5, 2008
I’m currently studying the “Bachelor of Archaeological Practice” at ANU down in Canberra. I love it.

There is plenty of work in the area, especially overseas. Plus, you are not only limited to Archaeology, there are many other careers it can lead to.

There are plenty of field schools around the world that run during the holidays to give you extra experience.

As the above poster said, ignore what people tell you about there being no jobs – I listened to that line and decided to do a degree in International Relations... bored me to death for a whole year and hated it, so changed degrees this year to the Archaeological Practice one and very happy with the choice. I wasted a whole year on a boring degree before I realised, stuff everyone else, I'm doing the degree I always wanted to do.

You should also consider ANU for it, while they really only have 2 first year courses in Archaeology (the intro ones) they have a lot to choose from in the later year courses.

If it's what you want then go for it.

I love it so far and I’m already off on a dig in Sweden and Ireland in June/July for the term break. Lots of chances to travel with so many field schools around and gain experience.
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I just finished honours in Egyptology at Macquarie, have been on excavations overseas, and am doing postgrad in the UK. So as you can see, there's plenty to occupy you!

If you do choose Macquarie, don't worry too much about the specific choices. As far as I know, however, the Bachelor of Ancient History (Hons) course has been axed, so you're looking at a BA in either Classical/Late Antique or Ancient Near Eastern history.

I agree 100% with the above posters: If you're interested in archaeology, go to ANU. ANU has fantastic programs (plural!) in archaeology and related fields, eg forensic anthropology.

However, I usually find that when people say 'archaeology' they don't mean just the study of material culture but also the language, art history, etc, which doesn't fall under the umbrella of archaeology. If you want to study archaeology as a science which is applicable to many cultures, go to ANU, but if you want to study ancient history more broadly, come to Macquarie. USyd's archaeology program is currently flailing so I don't really recommend that.

tl;dr: Go to ANU if you want to study just archaeology. Go to Macquarie if you want to study ancient history and archaeology more broadly.


Sep 19, 2009
Thanks for the awesome replys, I repped everyone.

The reason I am interested in Ancient History and Archaeology is because of Ancient Egypt. I always knew that Macquarie was the Australian institute for Egyptology, But I never considered any potential work in Egyptology,PwarYuex,
you did Egyptology at Macquarie? was this undergraduate? Is there much potential work in Egyptology?

However, I googled ANU and I need some questions answered:

1.ANU is 3 hours away from me, is there any sort of housing I could get, if so how much do these generally cost?

1.Whats the average ATAR for BA Ancient History and an undergraduate of Archaeology (At ANU)?

2. Does BA of Ancient history have anything related to Egypt at ANU (I couldn't find anything on the website).

3. These overseas excavations, how often are they and are they expensive, they sound awesome!

ANU sounds awesome and probably my new preference (if i can get cheap student accommodation), I'd probably choose the uni that offered more for archaeology than Ancient history.

Thanks for the replys!

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The reason I am interested in Ancient History and Archaeology is because of Ancient Egypt. I always knew that Macquarie was the Australian institute for Egyptology, But I never considered any potential work in Egyptology,PwarYuex,
you did Egyptology at Macquarie? was this undergraduate? Is there much potential work in Egyptology?

If you're interested in Egypt, you really have no choice but to come to Macquarie. And yes, I did a BAncHist(Hons) there.

However, I googled ANU and I need some questions answered:

1.ANU is 3 hours away from me, is there any sort of housing I could get, if so how much do these generally cost?
Check out the ANU forums. As far as I know, most first-year ANU students live in a college.
1.Whats the average ATAR for BA Ancient History and an undergraduate of Archaeology (At ANU)?

2. Does BA of Ancient history have anything related to Egypt at ANU (I couldn't find anything on the website).
Both are easy to look up online. As for the second question, the answer is really no.

3. These overseas excavations, how often are they and are they expensive, they sound awesome!
It really depends.

may-cat said:
The degree has been axed and probably won't accept any new students in 2011.


Sep 19, 2009
Thanks for the reply, PwarYuex!
I am highly interested in Ancient Egypt, but I'd also like to be an archaeologist.

Like you mentioned you just finished BA Ancient History & honors in Egyptology (sorry if I have miss-read this)
What are you doing, or what do you plan to do with those degrees?

I am glad to hear there is a field for Archaeologists, but is there a similar field for Ancient historians and Egyptologists?

Also, May Cat, can I ask why this isn't surprising that they dropped Ancient History Honors?

I am debating which I'd prefer, but I'd like to know that each field has careers relating to the subject.

Thanks once again.


Dec 5, 2008
With ANU:

All 1ts years are guaranteed accommodation at the University. The prices range depending on your residence you get – some halls are 160 a week, other are 350, so it depends. But it is guaranteed if you are a first year and by second year a lot of people make friends and move out to share an apartment or house. The Uni accommodation is all on the ANU website – different halls and prices, some include all meals, and some don’t.

The ATAR to get into the Bachelor of Archaeological Practice is 80.

The excavations cost can range from very cheap to very expensive (separate from the UNI and done in your own time – like during the holidays), but looking online you can find a lot of field schools around the world which have different courses and different prices. For example, the one I’m doing in Sweden is $1800 for 4 weeks, including all accommodation etc, the one I’m doing in Ireland is for 1 week for $700, including all accommodation (for 2 weeks it was an extra $200 but I don’t have time) etc.

Flights are not included in that.

There are cheaper excavations/field schools closer, I only chose them as it’s an area I’m interested in and I also already had flights booked for a holiday.

I have seen ones for cheaper and ones for a lot more, it all depends on where and when I guess.

One of my tutors told me the other day that ANU is running a field trip to South America at the end of the year (although not sure if it will be postponed due to the Chile earthquake).

With the Bachelor of Archaeological Practice (well basically all ANU degrees) you can of course do an exchange overseas for a semester or a year, this is all included in your HECS.

ANU I haven’t seen any Ancient Egypt ones – but you could do an exchange overseas for a year or semester to a University that does do Egyptology (a lot in Europe and the USA).

Here are some links for you anyway on the ANU.

The Bachelor of Archaeological Practice: (You do two majors, Archaeology & Archaeological Practice)
ANU - STUDYAT - Bachelor of Archaeological Practice

Archaeology Major:
ANU - STUDYAT - Archaeology Major

Courses that go towards this major:
ANU - STUDYAT - Archaeology Major

Archaeological Practice Major:
ANU - STUDYAT - Archaeology Practice Major

Courses that go towards this major:
ANU - STUDYAT - Archaeology Practice Major

Archaeology Courses available at ANU: (scroll down the page, there is a lot)
ANU - STUDYAT - Archaeology

The rest of your degree can be made up with more Archaeology Courses, or electives from anywhere in the University, so Arts, Science, Language etc etc.
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Thanks for the reply, PwarYuex!
I am highly interested in Ancient Egypt, but I'd also like to be an archaeologist.
Well like has been said, if you want to study Egypt, you need to come to Macquarie.

Like you mentioned you just finished BA Ancient History & honors in Egyptology (sorry if I have miss-read this)
What are you doing, or what do you plan to do with those degrees?
Essentially correct... I just finished the BAncHist(Hons), which has since been turned into a BA(Hons).

At the beginning of the year I got accepted to do a PhD at Macquarie with a scholarship, tutoring, admin work, etc. So I effectively work full-time and get enough money from scholarship + work to save up. This month I got accepted into a program in the UK which will probably also be fully-funded. Ie, I want to become an academic and also participate in fieldwork. At this stage of my career, it is very one step at a time. Worrying about the future is just moot for me as I can never really know where I'll end up.

I don't mean to be rude, but you don't know you want to be an archaeologist yet; you haven't seriously studied it, let alone had fieldwork experience, let alone had fieldwork experience in Egypt. So just give it time and see how it goes.

I am glad to hear there is a field for Archaeologists, but is there a similar field for Ancient historians and Egyptologists?
If you do something like the poster above did; ie archaeology with forensic anthropology, you've got a much larger pool of possible jobs.
Also, May Cat, can I ask why this isn't surprising that they dropped Ancient History Honors?
Don't worry about it. Essentially, the university recently underwent academic changes which are all really for the good. They changed the named degree BAncHist(Hons) to a BA(Hons) with a major in whatever field.

I am debating which I'd prefer, but I'd like to know that each field has careers relating to the subject.
You really won't know what you like until you give it a go.


Sep 19, 2009
Thanks for the links!
ANU sounds pretty awesome and an ATAR of 80 seems quite achievable!
I'd probably prefer to do ANU and do something similar to archaeology and forensic anthropology and maybe later extend onto Egyptology!

Thanks for the help guys!
(I'd re-rep, but I need to spread it around first)


Thanks for the links!
ANU sounds pretty awesome and an ATAR of 80 seems quite achievable!
I'd probably prefer to do ANU and do something similar to archaeology and forensic anthropology and maybe later extend onto Egyptology!

Thanks for the help guys!
(I'd re-rep, but I need to spread it around first)
You can always read semi-popular books about Egypt while you're doing your course. Also, Egyptian archaeology needs a lot of forensic anthropologists / archaeologists trained in forensic anthropology.

In fact I've worked with a few Australian forensic anthropologists and they're all lovely. Eg the one who's a coroner and says things like 'Oh you shouldn't drink Red Bull, just last week I had a guy on my slab who ODed on it.' :-|

So we might see you in Egypt yet. :)

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