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Asian people in Australia (1 Viewer)

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
A of Rushworth Posted at 3:06 AM Today

Which idiot thought up multi-culturalism? Australia keeps on importing trouble which is then handed on to the next generations. What a pity that we no longer have 'head-in-the-sand' theorist Christine Nixon, to hide the actual Asian crime statistics.

Comment 1 of 42
jeff of kennewick Posted at 3:45 AM Today

But Ms Nixon said there were no such thing as 'gangs'..Plus Pauline Hanson was right about Asians..

Comment 2 of 42
Tired Posted at 4:03 AM Today

Why doesn't Mr Brumby live in a tent (without protection) in richmond for a week??? or walk the streets of Melbourne without being surrounded by police.

Comment 3 of 42
expat Aussie of USA Posted at 4:24 AM Today

so long Australia that I knew and loved - overtaken by warring masses who refuse to adopt and respect their new land. Who would have thought I could be living in America and have way way less violence and fear that in Melb where I grew up. Return to Australia? of course but not to the city...it is now like a 3rd world country city (and yes, I have been to 3rd world cities).

Comment 4 of 42
Gary of Brighton Posted at 5:02 AM Today

Arther Calwell must be turning in his grave!

Comment 5 of 42
Anne Josefsberg of Balwyn North Posted at 5:28 AM Today

The prevalent disease of our age, as I observe, is not to admit out aloud, that there is a problem that needs to be solved. When this happens, nothing is dealt with directly, and nothing ever improves. Our previous Police Commissioner took the "force" out of the police and then introduced PC talk to the whole group. Consequently, there are no ethnic gangs and no gang violence. Police in insufficient numbers conduct sporadic operations on a number of issues or problems , but do not sustain the implementation of a working policy. Given the police shortage and the sporadic operations used as wallpaper for politicians, it is no wonder the level of street violence especially by young men in their teens and the celebration of the lives of career criminals. As Newton so rightly stated, there is a reaction for every action.

Comment 6 of 42
Darren of Lysterfield Posted at 5:29 AM Today

welcome to multicultural Australia. Just great isn't it?

Comment 7 of 42
nh jan of brisbane Posted at 5:40 AM Today

Seriously? Seems our open door policy and generosity to those who so desperately wanted to come to Australia for a better life, is biting us hard at the moment. Morotorium on immigration, it is not working!

Comment 8 of 42
Fed Up Posted at 5:41 AM Today

Deport the lot of these clowns, sick of them making our streets unsafe, bring back the good ol days when we could walk at night without getting bashed or stabbed

Comment 9 of 42
Angel of Melbourne Posted at 5:42 AM Today

Here we go again. Melbourne's street warfare on racial lines November 02, 2008, Herald Sun: POLICE have compiled a dossier on Melbourne's 40 warring street gangs - most organised along racial lines... Police and youth workers said gang warfare was turning parts of Melbourne into no-go zones at night... Officers said they were frustrated the emerging racial nature of gangs was being denied by government because of political concerns... One police source said crime related to gangs was at crisis levels. "The level of violence has become serious," he said. "These people are going armed with deadly weapons. There are knives and baseball bats involved. "And these gangs are now organised along racial lines - there are Polynesian gangs, Sudanese, Lebanese, Vietnamese and the rest." ... Two years later what has improved? When is the government going to act?

Comment 10 of 42
disgruntled of Melbourne Posted at 5:54 AM Today

Seriously, these people should be sent back to wherever they or their parents came from.

Comment 11 of 42
Jason Shaw of Melbourne Posted at 6:09 AM Today

These Asain gangs need to be stopped. They come here to live a natural life away from there country but think they can control & threaten people in Australia. Catch them & either lock em up or send them back to Asia

Comment 12 of 42
StanduptoThugs of Victoria Posted at 6:15 AM Today

Obviously the police know these gangs etc.. round them up and send them back to their own country simple as that! They do not have the right to create such war in Australia, in their own country they would be shot on sight no doubt by their police.. its not just the innocent citizens fearful I daresay the police are too hence the inaction in taking steps to remove these vicious thugs from Australia!

Comment 13 of 42
Vic Fkiaras of Tarneit Posted at 6:28 AM Today

We can thank Christine Nixon for the rise in crime stats. Her "softly softly" approach has told the crims that they can do just about whatever they want to without fear of incarceration. Wake up Victoria, policing isn't about setting up greed cameras everywhere, it's actually getting out there and doing what you are paid to do, police the streets.

Comment 14 of 42
Paula of Brisbane Posted at 6:30 AM Today

Pauline Hanson you were so right.

Comment 15 of 42
ross Posted at 6:32 AM Today

Overland, Brumby, Nixon, Bracks...all said there were no gangs, and I believe them. I think the heraldsun is making things up!!!

Comment 16 of 42
Hooble of Melbourne Posted at 6:36 AM Today

Long jailtime is needed for anyone carrying a weapon.

Comment 17 of 42
Peter of Melbourne Posted at 6:41 AM Today

But, but...we should embrace their diversity. They are only rewarding us with their rich cultural tapestry.

Comment 18 of 42
R Posted at 6:41 AM Today

Multiculturalism, you gotta love it - not.

Comment 19 of 42
jeff of kennewick Posted at 6:53 AM Today

We can only hope that they do have these wars and kill each other off...No great loss...

Comment 20 of 42
Alan Ripper Posted at 6:54 AM Today

More proof that Brumby was right to listen to Victorians and employ more front line police to patrol our streets.

Comment 21 of 42
Robin Posted at 6:56 AM Today

I have absolute confidence in our police and their ability to deal with this situation.

Comment 22 of 42
John of Bundoora Posted at 7:03 AM Today

Export these people when caught or bring back the cain.

Comment 23 of 42
Unbelievable Posted at 7:04 AM Today

Its quite simple really. If something like this happens, charge them, jail them, then deport them. Its that simple. Applies to ANY foreign person not just Asians.

Comment 24 of 42
Billy Hill of Betoota Posted at 7:04 AM Today

Well now that we have these Asian gangs how about bringing in an Asian justice system where punishment is severe and swift.

Comment 25 of 42
Davo of Melbourne Posted at 7:13 AM Today

I bet if they had Caucasian nights at nightclubs they would be banned because they are racist. So why are Asian nights allowed?

Comment 26 of 42
Eric the Viking Posted at 7:13 AM Today

More police is what we need and more police is what we're getting - whoever wins the election in November.

Comment 27 of 42
kieran of Melbourne Posted at 7:15 AM Today

Another great decision by our bumbling chief.

Comment 28 of 42
What's on the menu, not leadership Posted at 7:23 AM Today

I would imagine Mrs. Nixon would have omitted this information in her latest Leadership speech, along with her "dining" activities. It will take 10 years of effort to fix Melbourne's streets because of her incompetence. She is the "Neville Chamberlain" of Policing.

Comment 29 of 42
Whistleblower of Melbourne Posted at 7:24 AM Today

Why is this report confidential? Why would I be surprised that the "Asian Squad" was shut down by that wonderful example of leadership, Christine Nixon. As a master of political correctness that's what would be expected of her by the Brumby government in its rush to the bottom to display its cultural sensitivity. No reference to racial origin in criminal activity is allowed for fear of "racial vilification". However racially based groups can run around committing crimes and we are not allowed to know who they are.What a farce!

Comment 30 of 42
rave rave rant 'n' rave of Melbourne Posted at 7:27 AM Today

"processed"....is it cheese slices they are referring to or thugs.....oh sorry....people?

Comment 31 of 42
Lily of Melbourne Posted at 7:29 AM Today

Send them all back from where they came from. This is NOT an Australian way of life. We DON'T want this here.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment 32 of 42
Damo of Albert Park Posted at 7:29 AM Today

But I thought Christine Nixon said there was no gang problem? What to believe, my eyes or my ears?

Comment 33 of 42
Mari Giaza of Melbourne Posted at 7:31 AM Today

I am all for gang members fighting and stabbing each other. It's the only way to get rid of the scum.

Comment 34 of 42
vic of Sydney Posted at 7:33 AM Today

The last thing Australia needs is more of a gang culture like the US. It needs to be stamped on HARD before it become a real issue. Give the police some stronger powers in relation to gangs, let them shoot a few of the little scumbags and deport any that aren't citizens and destroy this garbage before it takes hold.

Comment 35 of 42
John Hughes Posted at 7:33 AM Today

I'm not afraid of these gangs. They're more interested in attacking each other than they are in attacking law abiding Victorians.

Comment 36 of 42
Patrick Rooney of Melbourne Posted at 7:37 AM Today

Gangs? Fair dinkum, do these people think they're from "da 'hood"? Or Compton? If they can diminish their own ranks and leave us law abiding citizens alone, then let them do it.

Comment 37 of 42
Louise Ashworthy Posted at 7:40 AM Today

You write about open warfare in your article today. If you actually want to see what open warfare looks like go to Bangkok. We don't have anything like open warfare in Melbourne. What a beat up.

Comment 38 of 42
David Anning of Hobart Posted at 7:44 AM Today

Welcome to Multiculturalism. Ye reap what ye sow. Pauline was right.

Comment 39 of 42
gra Posted at 7:44 AM Today

This is a perfect example of how we have been let down by Australia's immigration policy. If they aren't citizen's they should be immediately deported. If they are immigrant citizens, the contract with them (a commitment to obey the laws of Australia) should be declared null and void and they then should be immediately deported. I have my reservations about importing multiculturalism but I am definitely against importing crime and the government has to do something about it.

Comment 40 of 42
Andrew of Prahran Posted at 7:45 AM Today

But I thought we didn't have gangs in Victoria, weren't they meant to be in all the other states but not here??? Has someone been keeping the truth from me???? I think Simon Wonderland should give these scallywags a damn good talking too and then all our problems will go away.

Comment 41 of 42
Russ of Victoria Posted at 7:47 AM Today

If Aussies were in one of these Asian countries and formed gangs for purposes of violence or killings, they would be caught and sent home packing, no questions asked and no using the courts to get off scot free. There is a lesson to be learnt from these countries. Put the safety and well being of the citizens before the rights of criminals and violent individuals. Send 'em home I say - and let them take this unsociable behaviour with them. BTW, I am not a racist, I just hate gangs and judiciary leniency.

Comment 42 of 42


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
so long Australia that I knew and loved - overtaken by warring masses who refuse to adopt and respect their new land. Who would have thought I could be living in America and have way way less violence and fear that in Melb where I grew up. Return to Australia? of course but not to the city...it is now like a 3rd world country city (and yes, I have been to 3rd world cities).


New Member
May 20, 2010
liek omg i hate asn food so much, i wish they jus replaced them with mcdonals and stuf


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
Russ of Victoria Posted at 7:47 AM Today

blahblahblah I am not a racist, I just hate gangs and judiciary leniency blahblahblah

Comment 42 of 42
I was waiting for someone to say that.

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