i always do this and i feel like an idiot >_<- saying "what?" for the third time because i honestly couldn't hear/understand what they're saying
i am blacker than blackm8 thats indian
indians are ayshun tho
me tooi always do this and i feel like an idiot >_<
lolstoopid slut who cant get her mouth off a cock
omg YESThe world cup being on so late.
Umm keep dreaming.wat r u talkin bout??
show me ur tits.
LOLS! aww ur sadyou got mamoz to fill the void![]()
be careful what you wish for-when im bored =/
i wish i had a lil bro or something so i could verse him at whatever game on ps2/xboxfeel in the mood to play games!!! but have none