Aganist abortion (2 Viewers)


Jul 12, 2010
post a pic bby we should make some babbys and abort the embryos just to piss these imbeciles off.
k you've convinced me

But ix3powerrangers, you have not. Spouting facts is not supporting your argument. It adds no worth to gush things like "It can already suck its thumb!"
As there are two distinct entities in one body, the mother and foetus, one has more worth than the other. Or are you saying a mass of cells that has not gained personhood or been awarded full human rights is more important than the mother? It is the stronger entity, the mother, which has the choice whether to allow the other to exist.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Especially when the foetus exists at the expense of the mother.

She's the landlord of her womb, and if she chooses to kick the tenant out that's up to her.


Jul 13, 2010
I don't necessarily think you can generalise like that. Of course we first think that dealing with the product of rape is "worse" or "harder" than dealing with a product of a "drunken weekend at the Gold Coast" but there are so many individual circumstances such as wealth and especially inclination to look after and raise a child! You can't split who can or cannot have abortions. If you think forcing the mother to have to have any child she doesn't want (and it wouldn't be any fault of her own to not want it, let me add) (as scarybunny expressed, contraception fails) is showing a terrible disregard and disrespect for both the mother's life, the prospective child's life and those around them.
I never said anything about forcing the woman to raise the child, I'm saying that adoption seems to be blatantly disregarded as an option. Carrying the child for 9 months is a burden; but in the end the child gets to live and a couple who really want a child, but aren't able to reproduce can have one - that's a great gift, too often ignored by overly zealous abortion enthusiasts.
May 5, 2010
Sydney, Australia
k you've convinced me

But ix3powerrangers, you have not. Spouting facts is not supporting your argument. It adds no worth to gush things like "It can already suck its thumb!"
As there are two distinct entities in one body, the mother and foetus, one has more worth than the other. Or are you saying a mass of cells that has not gained personhood or been awarded full human rights is more important than the mother? It is the stronger entity, the mother, which has the choice whether to allow the other to exist.
The fact that it can already suck its thumb wouldn't that prove that it has already gained personhood that it is human! You see babies already born sucking its thumb.
Haven't you considered that we are a mass of cells? the same way a baby in the mother's womb is a mass of cells too? I'm saying both are important both are important because both are human!
What about after the baby is born? Wouldn't the mother still be the stronger entity? because the baby can't defend itself or even talk after it is born. meaning the mother is the stronger entity, technically. But you say "It is the stronger entity, the mother, which has the choice whether to allow the other to exist" are you trying to say its alright to murder a baby after it is born?

Especially when the foetus exists at the expense of the mother.

She's the landlord of her womb, and if she chooses to kick the tenant out that's up to her.
That's a very brutal way to look at it. But when a landlord kicks a tenant out of his/her land he/she doesn't murder it, it's exist isn't wiped off the planet. At least the tenant is still alive. Unlike an abortion. The mother doesn't want her daughter/son so she kills it. She MURDERS it.
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mes ami

Jan 4, 2009
at the teaparty.
shut the fuck up power ranger cunt. go live in a third world country for a while or go fucking put your shit do-gooder efforts to better use and go save some orphans or starving africans you shit cunt religious moron.
May 5, 2010
Sydney, Australia
I never said anything about forcing the woman to raise the child, I'm saying that adoption seems to be blatantly disregarded as an option. Carrying the child for 9 months is a burden; but in the end the child gets to live and a couple who really want a child, but aren't able to reproduce can have one - that's a great gift, too often ignored by overly zealous abortion enthusiasts.
Here! Here!

mes ami

Jan 4, 2009
at the teaparty.
I never said anything about forcing the woman to raise the child, I'm saying that adoption seems to be blatantly disregarded as an option. Carrying the child for 9 months is a burden; but in the end the child gets to live and a couple who really want a child, but aren't able to reproduce can have one - that's a great gift, too often ignored by overly zealous abortion enthusiasts.
are you a fucking moron? have you realised how many unwanted orphans there are out there?

You people are morons that live under a rock and dont know what it is like in the real world. go fuck off and help more deserving people you shit cunts.


Jul 12, 2010
I never said anything about forcing the woman to raise the child, I'm saying that adoption seems to be blatantly disregarded as an option. Carrying the child for 9 months is a burden; but in the end the child gets to live and a couple who really want a child, but aren't able to reproduce can have one - that's a great gift, too often ignored by overly zealous abortion enthusiasts.
You are right it is a burden but never did I disregard adoption as an option. That is a different matter that, for some people, is the right choice. But for others abortion would be, if they had the choice. And that is what I am enthusing about: the choice! People who cannot biologically reproduce for one reason or another when they would like to (infertility, gay) is the saddest thing, but you cannot trivialise pregnancy and force a woman to carry and have the child just for adoption purposes. If a woman decides to carry her pregnancy to term, give birth then adopt out her child that is her decision. As is if she decides to keep and raise it, as is if she decides to abort it.

Adoption is not a valid solution or argument against abortion.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Yep, it's just another option that women should have.

Adopting is actually extremely difficult and expensive in Australia. Less than 600 children were adopted last year, and 71 percent of that came from overseas. The process is long and difficult for parents, and most applicants are not successful.

Australia's adoption rate plummets - National - BrisbaneTimes


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
Hey Christfags I've decided I don't like your church and am going to burn it to the ground and murder all the members of it and you're not allowed to have a decision or voice in the process because this cloud spoke to me and told me to do it so it's 100% legitimised okay lets do it

You people should be executed.

mes ami

Jan 4, 2009
at the teaparty.
look we have long surpassed the need to survive with procreation.

we now live lives of indulgence, enlightenment and pleasure. eg look at our scrumptious food, if we were simply working on the basics we would only need basic sustenance to survive not mudcakes etc. our existance isnt based upon survival of the species anymore. thats why we have and will always have the right of abortion because hey its all about us now and if we dont want a baby we dont need a baby. if baby interferes with job and we dont want baby then bam good bye baby.

if you want to ban abortion go make a little community where you are without medicine, technology etc. live off the land.
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Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
Okay people with irreversible brain damage are still human right? would it be right to murder someone with irreversible brain damage?

Wouldn't you find it as heroism if the mother sacrifices her life for her child?
I'll give you one personal example. Towards the end of last year someone i knew became pregnant, though the doctors recommended that she had an abortion because having the baby would be life threataning and there is a high risk of death. She chose not to have the abortion, she gave birth to the baby and her and the baby is fine :) I'm grateful she didn't have the abortion because that would've been a bad mistake and I'm proud of the heroism she took on because of the love of her baby that wasn't even born.
geez I don't know, is it "right"? you tell me.

Of course this tiny cluster of cells have the same value as a human adult! Think about the beauty of how it came about to be. A sperm and an egg come together to form one new cell. Two cells join together to become one new cell. Can you find any other occasion in the body where this occurs that does not have to do with the creation of life? Now think about how quickly it multiplies and creates the features of a baby.
The Zygote, these cluster of cells, already have 46 chromosones. it's blue print. The way its going to turn out is already planned from hair colour, eye colour even the characteristics that come from the mother and the father. It has a DNA structure which makes it unique.

Also to back this up:
[FONT=trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]The zygote " biologically alive. It fulfills the four criteria needed to establish[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica] biological life: [/FONT][/FONT]
  1. [FONT=trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]metabolism, [/FONT][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]growth, [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]
  3. reaction to stimuli, and
  4. reproduction."[/FONT][/FONT]
Source: Carl Sagan, "Billions and Billions", Random House, New York NY (1997), Pages 163-179.

Unfortunately over 78% of abortions occur after 6 weeks, later I will post the stages of developement so you can see what this baby has in this six weeks.

What I'm trying to say that turning of life support is fine because it is allowing the course of nature to take over.
This is different from an abortion, because abortion is killing a life.
Turning of life support and abortion are two different things. Turning of life support is fine but an abortion is wrong because literally you are MURDERING a human life.
a fetus may be life but it is not human life, it isn't even capable of awareness, of thoughts and consciousness - the very essence of what it means to be human. In fact, other non-human mammals and vertebrates display more human-like characteristics, and are in many ways more human than a human fetus. Should I assume that you're vegetarian then? It would be hypocritical (and typical) of you to condemn the "killing" of a fetus whilst feasting on a piece of meat cut from another sentient animal that is aware and do in fact feel pain.


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
also fucking lol at all these retarded Christians/Catholics/dumbfuck religious cunts attempting to use science to support their beliefs when they don't even agree with science most the time.


Jul 12, 2010
The fact that it can already suck its thumb wouldn't that prove that it has already gained personhood that it is human! You see babies already born sucking its thumb.
Haven't you considered that we are a mass of cells? the same way a baby in the mother's womb is a mass of cells too? I'm saying both are important both are important because both are human!
What about after the baby is born? Wouldn't the mother still be the stronger entity? because the baby can't defend itself or even talk after it is born. meaning the mother is the stronger entity, technically. But you say "It is the stronger entity, the mother, which has the choice whether to allow the other to exist" are you trying to say its alright to murder a baby after it is born?
No. It sucking its thumb does not prove it has gained personhood. It is genetically human, of course (as opposed to being any other species) but that doesn't afford it any rights until it has come into personhood and isn't physically dependent upon the mother.

Yes, the mother is the stronger entity when she is pregnant. But after the foetus is born, after its "trip down the birth canal" it is not physically dependent but socially dependent. It depends on society (those around it) to bathe it, clothe it, feed it. That is when it becomes an entity of equal strength/worth.

ix3powerrangers said:
That's a very brutal way to look at it. But when a landlord kicks a tenant out of his/her land he/she doesn't murder it, it's exist isn't wiped off the planet. At least the tenant is still alive. Unlike an abortion. The mother doesn't want her daughter/son so she kills it. She MURDERS it.
You are being very ignorant. She does not murder it. How many times have you read and ignored my very logical assertion that abortion is not murder? Are you willfully not understanding? The tenant could die because of being kicked out, having to live on the streets. I think it's a good analogy. Hardly brutal.

You really need to comprehend what other people are saying and provide a good, in depth counter argument, which you are failing to do.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
k you've convinced me

But ix3powerrangers, you have not. Spouting facts is not supporting your argument. It adds no worth to gush things like "It can already suck its thumb!"
As there are two distinct entities in one body, the mother and foetus, one has more worth than the other. Or are you saying a mass of cells that has not gained personhood or been awarded full human rights is more important than the mother? It is the stronger entity, the mother, which has the choice whether to allow the other to exist.
k bby, pm me your fb/pic/msn bby ;)


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
The fact that it can already suck its thumb wouldn't that prove that it has already gained personhood that it is human! You see babies already born sucking its thumb.
Haven't you considered that we are a mass of cells? the same way a baby in the mother's womb is a mass of cells too? I'm saying both are important both are important because both are human!
What about after the baby is born? Wouldn't the mother still be the stronger entity? because the baby can't defend itself or even talk after it is born. meaning the mother is the stronger entity, technically. But you say "It is the stronger entity, the mother, which has the choice whether to allow the other to exist" are you trying to say its alright to murder a baby after it is born?

That's a very brutal way to look at it. But when a landlord kicks a tenant out of his/her land he/she doesn't murder it, it's exist isn't wiped off the planet. At least the tenant is still alive. Unlike an abortion. The mother doesn't want her daughter/son so she kills it. She MURDERS it.
great apes and other primates have 5 digits on each limb, they have opposable thumbs that they too suck on, they make and use tools, they socialize and form complex social relationships, they communicate using vocalizations, hand gestures and facial expressions, they laugh, they share food, they cooperate with each other, they tend to the wounded and the sick. They share many traits with human, what about their status?
May 5, 2010
Sydney, Australia
No. It sucking its thumb does not prove it has gained personhood. It is genetically human, of course (as opposed to being any other species) but that doesn't afford it any rights until it has come into personhood and isn't physically dependent upon the mother.

Yes, the mother is the stronger entity when she is pregnant. But after the foetus is born, after its "trip down the birth canal" it is not physically dependent but socially dependent. It depends on society (those around it) to bathe it, clothe it, feed it. That is when it becomes an entity of equal strength/worth.

You are being very ignorant. She does not murder it. How many times have you read and ignored my very logical assertion that abortion is not murder? Are you willfully not understanding? The tenant could die because of being kicked out, having to live on the streets. I think it's a good analogy. Hardly brutal.

You really need to comprehend what other people are saying and provide a good, in depth counter argument, which you are failing to do.
I'm sorry but you are failing to give me a strong counter argument. What is in the mother's womb is her son/daughter and to think that it is being killed, murdered by its own family by the doctors in society it is heart breaking.

Okay "trip down the birth canal" what is it in the birth canal that turns the baby in the womb human. Tell me exactly what is the difference between a baby in the womb one minute before it is born to the minute after it is born out of the womb.
If it has to have a "trip down the birth canal" to become human what about those born through c-section? it did not take a trip down the birth canal.

Okay now to the physically dependant. So your saying once it is no longer physically dependant it becomes an entity with equal strength and worth.
But what about those with disabilities. Those physically dependant of life support, what about the deaf who is physically dependant of cochlear implants in order to hear. Heck what about an astronaut outer space or a deep diver physically dependant on an oxygen tank! Does it make those people an entity of less worth!? Does it make right to murder those people!?

a fetus may be life but it is not human life, it isn't even capable of awareness, of thoughts and consciousness - the very essence of what it means to be human. In fact, other non-human mammals and vertebrates display more human-like characteristics, and are in many ways more human than a human fetus. Should I assume that you're vegetarian then? It would be hypocritical (and typical) of you to condemn the "killing" of a fetus whilst feasting on a piece of meat cut from another sentient animal that is aware and do in fact feel pain.
What exactly are human-like characteristics? What characteristics make us human? The difference between human and animals is that humans act on reasoning rather than instinct. Say my best friend has a delicious sandwhich that i want to eat so badly. I wouldn't snatch it off her because I have reasoning which prevents me to do this. An animal would snatch it because it acts on instinct. I'm not saying the type of people who would snatch it are animals. This is just one example but we have reasoning whilest animals don't. From research this is the distinct difference between the two.

When you say a foetus isnt capable of awareness, thoughts and emotions in fact a it is. If you had read the article i posted a while ago in this forum about what babies go through in the womb of thier mother how they can feel and sense things. Just proves that they are human.
I'll repost it below

Asleep and Awake
From early on in your pregnancy, your baby is more like a newborn than you might think. He sleeps, moves around, listens to sounds, and has thoughts and memories. Here's how:

Just like newborns, fetuses spend most of their time sleeping. At 32 weeks, your baby sleeps 90 to 95 percent of the day. Some of these hours are spent in deep sleep, some in REM sleep, and some in an indeterminate state -- a result of his immature brain. During REM sleep, his eyes move back and forth just like an adult's eyes. Some scientists even believe that fetuses dream while they're sleeping! Just like babies after birth, they probably dream about what they know -- the sensations they feel in the womb.
Closer to birth, your baby sleeps 85 to 90 percent of the time, the same as a newborn.

On the Move
Around the ninth week of pregnancy, your baby starts making her first movements. Those movements are probably visible with an ultrasound, even though they can't be felt for several more weeks. By 13 weeks, your baby may be able to put a thumb in her mouth, although the sucking muscles aren't completely developed yet.
Although your baby's first muscle movements were involuntary, the first voluntary muscle movements occur around week 16. After this point, awake or asleep, your baby moves 50 times or more each hour, flexing and extending her body, moving her head, face, and limbs, and exploring her warm, wet home by touch. A baby may touch her face, touch one hand to the other hand, clasp her feet, touch her foot to her leg, or her hand to the umbilical cord. By week 37, your baby has developed enough coordination so that he or she can grasp with the fingers.
Along with these common movements, babies perform some odder activities, including licking the uterine wall and "walking" around the womb by pushing off with its feet.
Fetuses also react with motion to their mother's actions. For instance, ultrasounds have shown a fetus bouncing up and down when the mother laughs. Watching this on the screen, moms-to-be often laugh harder, and the fetus starts moving up and down even faster!
Second or third children may have more stretching room in the womb than first babies because a woman's uterus is bigger and the umbilical cord longer after her first pregnancy. These children usually get more motor experience in utero and tend to be more active infants.
By week 29, you should be feeling your baby move at least 10 times an hour.

Learning and Memory
Along with the ability to feel, see, and hear comes the capacity to learn and remember. For example, a fetus may be startled by a loud noise, but stops responding once the noise has been repeated several times.
Twins at 20 weeks' gestation can be seen developing certain gestures and habits that persist into their postnatal years. In one case, a brother and sister were seen playing cheek-to-cheek on either side of the dividing membrane. At one year of age, their favorite game was to take positions on opposite sides of a curtain, and begin to laugh and giggle as they touched each other and played through the curtain.
Studies have also shown a baby can feel and remember its mother's emotional state. An experiment in Australia revealed that unborn babies were participating in the emotional upset of their mothers who were watching a disturbing 20-minute segment of a movie. When the babies were reexposed to this film up to three months after birth, they still showed recognition of the earlier experience.
In the 1980s, psychology professor Anthony James DeCasper, PhD, and colleagues at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro performed a study with a feeding contraption that allows a baby to hear one set of sounds through headphones when it sucks faster, and to hear a different set of sounds when it sucks slower. This experiment revealed that within hours of birth, a baby already prefers its mother's voice to a stranger's, suggesting that it must have learned and remembered the voice from the womb. Newborns also preferred a story read to it repeatedly in the womb over a new one. And the same soft music that soothes them in utero soothes them again after birth.
Newborns can not only distinguish their mother's voice from a stranger's, but would rather hear Mom's voice, especially the way it sounds filtered through amniotic fluid rather than through air. They also prefer to hear Mom speaking in her native language than to hear her or someone else speaking in a foreign tongue.
Babies in the womb are probably reacting to the overall sound of voices and stories, not their actual words. But the conclusion is the same: the fetus can listen, learn, and remember at some level, and, as with most babies and children, he likes the comfort and reassurance of the familiar.

Sources: The Nemours Foundation; Association for Pre- & Perinatal Psychology and Health; Janet L. Hopson, "Fetal Psychology," Psychology Today, September-October 1998

taken from: Baby's Alertness in the Womb: Learning and Memory

look we have long surpassed the need to survive with procreation.

we now live lives of indulgence, enlightenment and pleasure. eg look at our scrumptious food, if we were simply working on the basics we would only need basic sustenance to survive not mudcakes etc. our existance isnt based upon survival of the species anymore. thats why we have and will always have the right of abortion because hey its all about us now and if we dont want a baby we dont need a baby. if baby interferes with job and we dont want baby then bam good bye baby.

if you want to ban abortion go make a little community where you are without medicine, technology etc. live off the land.
Okay you're living a life of indulgence but have you ever looked at those people in third world countries. What about around sydney! there are the poor, homeless and needy! I had no idea they existed until I took part in St Vincent De Paul Soup Van and saw them with my very own eyes. I saw the amount of people there, heard their stories and I got to help them. This society isn't a place where we live a life of indulgence, that's a lie! Isn't it selfish to think of your own wants rather than your child's needs.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
And you don't think a child needs to know that its mother wants it?


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
I'm sorry but you are failing to give me a strong counter argument. What is in the mother's womb is her son/daughter and to think that it is being killed, murdered by its own family by the doctors in society it is heart breaking.

Okay "trip down the birth canal" what is it in the birth canal that turns the baby in the womb human. Tell me exactly what is the difference between a baby in the womb one minute before it is born to the minute after it is born out of the womb.
If it has to have a "trip down the birth canal" to become human what about those born through c-section? it did not take a trip down the birth canal.

Okay now to the physically dependant. So your saying once it is no longer physically dependant it becomes an entity with equal strength and worth.
But what about those with disabilities. Those physically dependant of life support, what about the deaf who is physically dependant of cochlear implants in order to hear. Heck what about an astronaut outer space or a deep diver physically dependant on an oxygen tank! Does it make those people an entity of less worth!? Does it make right to murder those people!?

What exactly are human-like characteristics? What characteristics make us human? The difference between human and animals is that humans act on reasoning rather than instinct. Say my best friend has a delicious sandwhich that i want to eat so badly. I wouldn't snatch it off her because I have reasoning which prevents me to do this. An animal would snatch it because it acts on instinct. I'm not saying the type of people who would snatch it are animals. This is just one example but we have reasoning whilest animals don't. From research this is the distinct difference between the two.

When you say a foetus isnt capable of awareness, thoughts and emotions in fact a it is. If you had read the article i posted a while ago in this forum about what babies go through in the womb of thier mother how they can feel and sense things. Just proves that they are human.
I'll repost it below

Asleep and Awake
From early on in your pregnancy, your baby is more like a newborn than you might think. He sleeps, moves around, listens to sounds, and has thoughts and memories. Here's how:

Just like newborns, fetuses spend most of their time sleeping. At 32 weeks, your baby sleeps 90 to 95 percent of the day. Some of these hours are spent in deep sleep, some in REM sleep, and some in an indeterminate state -- a result of his immature brain. During REM sleep, his eyes move back and forth just like an adult's eyes. Some scientists even believe that fetuses dream while they're sleeping! Just like babies after birth, they probably dream about what they know -- the sensations they feel in the womb.
Closer to birth, your baby sleeps 85 to 90 percent of the time, the same as a newborn.

On the Move
Around the ninth week of pregnancy, your baby starts making her first movements. Those movements are probably visible with an ultrasound, even though they can't be felt for several more weeks. By 13 weeks, your baby may be able to put a thumb in her mouth, although the sucking muscles aren't completely developed yet.
Although your baby's first muscle movements were involuntary, the first voluntary muscle movements occur around week 16. After this point, awake or asleep, your baby moves 50 times or more each hour, flexing and extending her body, moving her head, face, and limbs, and exploring her warm, wet home by touch. A baby may touch her face, touch one hand to the other hand, clasp her feet, touch her foot to her leg, or her hand to the umbilical cord. By week 37, your baby has developed enough coordination so that he or she can grasp with the fingers.
Along with these common movements, babies perform some odder activities, including licking the uterine wall and "walking" around the womb by pushing off with its feet.
Fetuses also react with motion to their mother's actions. For instance, ultrasounds have shown a fetus bouncing up and down when the mother laughs. Watching this on the screen, moms-to-be often laugh harder, and the fetus starts moving up and down even faster!
Second or third children may have more stretching room in the womb than first babies because a woman's uterus is bigger and the umbilical cord longer after her first pregnancy. These children usually get more motor experience in utero and tend to be more active infants.
By week 29, you should be feeling your baby move at least 10 times an hour.

Learning and Memory
Along with the ability to feel, see, and hear comes the capacity to learn and remember. For example, a fetus may be startled by a loud noise, but stops responding once the noise has been repeated several times.
Twins at 20 weeks' gestation can be seen developing certain gestures and habits that persist into their postnatal years. In one case, a brother and sister were seen playing cheek-to-cheek on either side of the dividing membrane. At one year of age, their favorite game was to take positions on opposite sides of a curtain, and begin to laugh and giggle as they touched each other and played through the curtain.
Studies have also shown a baby can feel and remember its mother's emotional state. An experiment in Australia revealed that unborn babies were participating in the emotional upset of their mothers who were watching a disturbing 20-minute segment of a movie. When the babies were reexposed to this film up to three months after birth, they still showed recognition of the earlier experience.
In the 1980s, psychology professor Anthony James DeCasper, PhD, and colleagues at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro performed a study with a feeding contraption that allows a baby to hear one set of sounds through headphones when it sucks faster, and to hear a different set of sounds when it sucks slower. This experiment revealed that within hours of birth, a baby already prefers its mother's voice to a stranger's, suggesting that it must have learned and remembered the voice from the womb. Newborns also preferred a story read to it repeatedly in the womb over a new one. And the same soft music that soothes them in utero soothes them again after birth.
Newborns can not only distinguish their mother's voice from a stranger's, but would rather hear Mom's voice, especially the way it sounds filtered through amniotic fluid rather than through air. They also prefer to hear Mom speaking in her native language than to hear her or someone else speaking in a foreign tongue.
Babies in the womb are probably reacting to the overall sound of voices and stories, not their actual words. But the conclusion is the same: the fetus can listen, learn, and remember at some level, and, as with most babies and children, he likes the comfort and reassurance of the familiar.

Sources: The Nemours Foundation; Association for Pre- & Perinatal Psychology and Health; Janet L. Hopson, "Fetal Psychology," Psychology Today, September-October 1998

taken from: Baby's Alertness in the Womb: Learning and Memory

Okay you're living a life of indulgence but have you ever looked at those people in third world countries. What about around sydney! there are the poor, homeless and needy! I had no idea they existed until I took part in St Vincent De Paul Soup Van and saw them with my very own eyes. I saw the amount of people there, heard their stories and I got to help them. This society isn't a place where we live a life of indulgence, that's a lie! Isn't it selfish to think of your own wants rather than your child's needs.
This person is the main reason why I support abortion and all those like her.

You are the fucking scum of the earth and are an enemy of freedom. You permit the genocide of victimless crimes through your disgusting occult followings and pass off child rape as permissible simply by believing what you do. Get some fucking perspective or just kill yourself.
May 5, 2010
Sydney, Australia
This person is the main reason why I support abortion and all those like her.

You are the fucking scum of the earth and are an enemy of freedom. You permit the genocide of victimless crimes through your disgusting occult followings and pass off child rape as permissible simply by believing what you do. Get some fucking perspective or just kill yourself.
An enemy of freedom? Isn't not allowing a baby to be born and murdering it whilest in the mother's womb being an enemy of freedom?
permiting genocide? Isn't allowing mothers to kill babies before they are even born, while they are still in the mothers womb genocide?
and i never said I permit child rape. I have no idea where you got that idea from.
Why don't you get some perspective and be open to what I have to say.

Seriously to all you guys here, I have read your opinions and gave thought to it, but seriously I still can't find any right in abortion.

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