Give some examples?
yes , I will admit that deterministic is very good, and there are maybe one or two others. But apart from that who is there?
Ok , there is ohexploitable and SpiralFlex , but that havent even finished hsc or done like even half the topics

, and they still make noob mistakes.
You know that you are really skating on thin ice when you say that, and its quotes like that that make it easier for me to turn my back on this site and all the students going to the tutoring companies.
You've pretty much answered your own question and admitted that you are not the only person who has demonstrated a high level of commitment to this forum (in reference to your earlier statement).
I have been revising my university work, but there is no point smashing it too hard, in my breaks I have been on here to vent my frustrations.
With regards to "working" , I cannot get alot of shifts where I work, it is a no brainer retail job, I am too expensive to hire when they can just get some 16yr old at half the rate they have to pay me, I have been getting like 5hrs a week over the hollidays ( 10hrs some weeks if I am lucky ), thats the primary reason why I wanted to get into tutoring, to get extra work over the hollidays with the hope of changing jobs altogether.
But you still consider this a waste of time and you could easily be doing something else more productive (in your terms).
I thought I would possibly get that response when I wrote that. ok , let me reword that. There will be people able to response to piss easy questions like "differentiate x^2 e^(x)" , but I doubt you will find anyone on here that will take the time like I did to explain simplications of fractions or that 1+1 =2 to mrbrightside

Just search all the questions he has ever asked on the 2unit forum ( when you can see the posts again ) and I gaurantee you I was the one who answered, and I went completely out of my way to try and make sure he understood ( however , he obviously didnt, thus why he is going to fail his half yearly for maths soon

That guy is as thick as 10 planks of wood and he still doesnt understand that its 10times easier to explain this stuff in real life than over the net .
Taking your word for it, but while it is great that you were going out of your way to explain things, keep in mind you're not the only one who does it.
well alot of them do, and maybe they should get a tutor instead of scabbing here XD.
Just because someone has trouble with a handful of questions doesn't mean they need a tutor. Again, do not assume everyone goes to some overpriced tutoring centre. People have their own reasons for not getting a tutor and you can't force them to do something they don't want. You cannot justify your attacks on people who ask questions here. As long as nobody is doing every single part of someone else's homework then it is perfectly fine to receive help at no cost (which is the whole point of the website). This also happens in lots of forums outside this website.
You are perfectly entitled to your own views of this but there is no justification for asserting them on others by insulting members on this site.
"marketing strategy"- well thats just bullshit to start with
Marketing strategy is one of the most important things if you ever want to receive students. In the business world a marketing strategy can make or break a business. Some of it includes writing the advertisement in an inviting and convincing way, releasing it at the right time, targetting the right people (e.g. people within close proximity), bumping the thread regularly etc. If marketing yourself here isn't working then obviously try something different or go elsewhere. This site alone does not provide a good means of recruiting students especially after the problems that plagued it last year. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
but with regards to attitude, yes I understand why I havent got any students in the last 3months because I have been venting frustrations on this site , but I would like to know why I didnt get any the 6,7 or 8months before I started venting.
Well if I remember correctly, you still did attack some other members (but not as much) last year in your older accounts. Have you thought about that? Have you thought about your location and the demographics of that location? Have you thought about pricing? Have you thought about timing?
Also, main reason why I am venting is because it turns out that all the people advertising tutoring on here with 99.95ATARS (which are the ones that are never participating on the forums ) are full of students before the year even begins, but there are others such as me and drongoski that struggle to even get one person!.
How would you know that they were full of students? Most threads give no indication of that. Even if they did that doesn't necessarily mean they recruited all their students from this site. This is where marketing strategy comes in through diversifying your avenues of promotion. Not many people who are helped out here live near/can afford tutoring around your area. So obviously putting all your energy into marketing yourself here is not a good idea. Perhaps you could follow Drongoski's example
Most of my students come from my ads in local papers and from referrals from former students.
Even myself, I hardly get any students from this site at all. When I started out, I was lucky to get even one student. Most of my students are, like Drongoski, from referrals by former students.
I can provide tons of examples; the main two that come to mind are Isplicer and Namu. Isplicer has never answered any questions on here, and whoa namu may have answered some questions like 2years ago when he was god of maths but he hasn’t made any posts since ( except posts regard to tutoring ) . Especially with regard to Isplicer, he has all those bullshit links in his sig to his website and he treats it like a million dollar business charging $40+/hr and everything while someone charging $25/hr cnt even get one person.
That’s what pisses me off more than anything, all the tutors that never answer questions on here are booked out and brag about their 99.95ATARS and HD WAMS (because they have been so selfish to achieve them) while all the other people that are contributing, helping out and still get reasonable marks at uni ( yes not HD average , but still reasonable, considering they are not studying 24/7 and are giving up their time to help others ) get no students >: ( .
But man that was epic LOL when benji said: " People such as ohexploitable and Bored of Fail 1,2,3,...,n, and many others are as capable as you guys are ". Must mean that I am pretty bloody good , but obviously not good enough for anyone to actually try me in real life.
Again, I'll say that this site is not the best place to recruit students. Not many people browse this forum asking questions (especially since the site has been hacked), and out of those people not many would be able to meet your requirements as a potential student.
I can understand your point of view but that is no excuse for your recent behaviour.