How long have you been at this diet for? I'm just curious as to whether you think having the same meal 3 times a day gets fuck off boring/annoying
Been eating like this for a month, so far.
I live out of home and am very poor, so I just buy what's cheap. A bag of lettuce is $5 and broccoli is like $2.98/kg. Chicken is $8 per kilo, so I can easily live off less than $50 a week this way. I always mix up what meat I have. Steak, chicken, basa, salmon etc. It also makes it easier to cook in bulk. I just buy a kilo of chicken, cook that shit up and put it in containers for a few days worth of food.
I eat what I eat for nutrition. I don't give a fuck about taste, except what I eat is actually really tasty (lucky meeee). My protein shakes are strawberry flavoured (yummers) I love nuts and peanut butter and I really like salad and mayo.
I'm only gonna do this for ~5-6 months (adjusting calories/macros where needed) and slowly start introducing carbs again mid summer.
When i bulk, i clean bulk, so i don't really gain much body fat.
Bulking diet: I did this from march until about a month ago, varying only for cheat meals (pretty much). When I start bulking again, I'll do this for 6-8 months or until I feel like a whale.
Meal 1: 3/4c. oats OR 5 weetbix, protein shake (only 1/2 cup oats/3 weetbix on rest day)
Meal 2: 2/3c. brown rice, chicken(or whatever meat), heaps of greens and salad
Meal 3: same as 2, but if it's legs day I'll have 1c brown rice
Meal 4: post workout shake (50p, 35c, 3f)
Meal 5: HEAPS of salad and green veges and whatever meat (if i have white meat above, i'll have red meat or salmon for this one)
Meal 6: Some nuts
Meal 7: 250g cottage cheese or 6 eggs scrambled (2 yolks)
People need to remember that food is meant to provide fuel and nutrition. People are getting plenty of fuel but no nutrition. You can't step outside without seeing someone who is overweight. It's ridiculous. I'm a pretty extreme example of eating for nutrition, and I have no problems with indulging once in a while but if people ate more like I (and others itt) do, there would be a lot less obesity, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure etc. I get pretty fired up about this, because so many people have SO many health problems these days and a lot of it is preventable. It all comes from a lack of education. People don't understand what's in their food unless they can physically see it. If most people read the nutrition label on a big mac and saw 'XXg fat' or whatever, they mightn't think that is very much unless they saw XXg of fat sitting on their plate. Same with sodium. People see 'XXXmg' and they're like 'oh, milligrams, that's not much'.
Also, people think that just because you're thin, you're healthy. My boyfriend's sister is really thin but she skips breakfast, eats lots of McDonald's and like 3 blocks of chocolate a week. I would hate to be her when she's 60 and has heart problems.
Also, wtf "McDonald's" was in my computer spell check dictionary thing. ffs.
/rant. Sorry everyone.