Are aboriginal people helped too much? (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
protip for all hscers:

tick every box that asks whether you are aboriginal or torres strait islander. if possible tick both. if questioned about validity of claim start screaming and raving on about racism and what not.

collect ridiculous bonus marks


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
My abo friend got into Law at UNSW. I think he just got an ATAR - probably around 60 or something - and I got what I got and I can't get in. Totes fair. (but I don't want to get in) Especially because I single-handedly raped his land and killed his people. Totes.
will never finish degree, will rack up massive hecs debt and never be employed in a law firm/institution. it's funny if you look at it that way.
Dec 23, 2011
Indigenous Australian people are not helped enough. Due to decades of vicious, systemic and societal discrimination solely based on the colour of their skin, young Indigenous Australians grow up in social environments inherently deleterious to their social and intellectual development. This is not to say that they are unintelligent, or somehow intellectually inferior to "whites" (despite attempts by scientific racists funded by the shadowy Nazi eugenicist organisation the Pioneer Fund to demonstrate otherwise with dubious and scientifically worthless studies) but rather their capability to be equal to "whites" in academic, industrial and other culturally contextual domains is fundamentally restricted by their culturally different rearing environments and most importantly, pervasive social marginalisation by subtly discriminatory government policies and an exclusively "white" supremacist milleu that excludes them from becoming assimiliated into it, as desperately as they may desire to be. This desire of course is one that has been implanted, psychologically, into the Indigenous Australian mass consciousness due to decades of white supremacist educational indoctrination and denigration of their unique culture and people, which motivates Aboriginal people to reject their own culture and attempt to embrace "white" values, though of course these attempts are always unsuccessful as "white" people cannot accept in their midst the prescence of these dark skinned outsiders.

The first step we must take to improving and alleviating the suffering of the Indigenous Australians is to instead change the normative values of the greater, majority "white" culture. We must educate and enlighten the "whites" to the ancient, far more ancient and rich than their own, culture of the Indigenous Australians. "White" culture must become part and parcell with Indigenous culture, and its historical notions, antiquated and odious conceptions of a division of kinds within the human species, hierarchy of population quality and its suggestively denigrating and exclusivist artistic styles must be completely wiped away, to be replaced with the foundations of a civil and modern society; inclusiveness, tolerance and egalitarianism. Only when we have finally achieved in reality the historic idealised and truly Australian notion of the "fair go" can Aboriginal people no longer feel a marginalised minority in their own continent, a continent which they have populated harmoniously and at one with the natural world also present within it for over 150,000 years.
Last edited:
Mar 20, 2011
Indigenous Australian people are not helped enough. Due to decades of vicious, systemic and societal discrimination solely based on the colour of their skin, young Indigenous Australians grow up in social environments inherently deleterious to their social and intellectual development. This is not to say that they are unintelligent, or somehow intellectually inferior to "whites" (despite attempts by scientific racists funded by the shadowy Nazi eugenicist organisation the Pioneer Fund to demonstrate otherwise with dubious and scientifically worthless studies) but rather their capability to be equal to "whites" in academic, industrial and other culturally contextual domains is fundamentally restricted by their culturally different rearing environments and most importantly, pervasive social marginalisation by subtly discriminatory government policies and an exclusively "white" supremacist milleu that excludes them from becoming assimiliated into it, as desperately as they may desire to be. This desire of course is one that has been implanted, psychologically, into the Indigenous Australian mass consciousness due to decades of white supremacist educational indoctrination and denigration of their unique culture and people, which motivates Aboriginal people to reject their own culture and attempt to embrace "white" values, though of course these attempts are always unsuccessful as "white" people cannot accept in their midst the prescence of these dark skinned outsiders.

The first step we must take to improving and alleviating the suffering of the Indigenous Australians is to instead change the normative values of the greater, majority "white" culture. We must educate and enlighten the "whites" to the ancient, far more ancient and rich than their own, culture of the Indigenous Australians. "White" culture must become part and parcell with Indigenous culture, and its historical notions, antiquated and odious notions of a division of kinds within the human species and hierarchy of population quality, suggestively denigrating and exclusivist artistic styles must be completely wiped away, to be replaced with the foundations of a civil and modern society; inclusiveness, tolerance and egalitarianism. Only when we have finally achieved in reality the historic idealised and truly Australian notion of the "fair go" can Aboriginal people no longer feel a marginalised minority in their own continent, a continent which they have populated harmoniously and at one with the natural world also present within it for over 150,000 years.
tl;dr ver. needed pl0x


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
I think they need to stop giving them money so they are motivated to pay for their own grog (jokes)

but srsly, I think to a degree, they're helped too much.
The more you help, the more they want.
It'll never be enough unless they're self efficient.
It's not a 'the more they're helped the more they want kind' of thing all the time. They become dependent upon it. Why would a person, regardless of his race, want to work harder when he gains the same result if he works less or not at all? It makes people drop out of the workforce and then they lose the skills they already had and the opportunity to gain skills they could have in employment.

Welfare is poison for the common man. The only person who is deserving of any kind of handout (and from private charities) are those unable to fend for themselves.
An aboriginal man once scolded me for asking him, "Are you half aboriginal?"

I was in year three at the time, and he was a guest speaker at my primary school. I nearly cried, and have been scared of aboriginals ever since.
That's an ultra cunt way of responding to someone who has different understandings of race to you
If i was aboriginal i'd hate all this crap. So fking demeaning and condescending (though i wouldn't say no to the scholarships)
also this
I wonder if I could get away with it if I say I'm aboriginal in everything from now on.
You have to have proof of heritage from an aboriginal elder
Your high marks would probably make them doubt that.
you're an idiot
lol fucking abos
never met a decent one in my life
I bet you have and you don't even know it
aboriginal models arent even good looking

You mean

Samantha Harris isn't even good looking
Do we really want them to assimilate and function like that of the typical white Australian?
why not

why would they be any different if they actually did this

your current problem with them I'm assuming is a less than desirable behaviour

or are you really that retarded that you base what you want society to be composed of by what people look like
It staggers me all the benefits they get, and still they seem to want more!? In all honesty, yes, I believe the government is helping them too much. If they want the benefits, it should only be right they give something back to society, after all, that's where their money comes from . It doesn't seem right that we should be paying for the crimes of our ancestors. (well ancestors were probably chillin' in a little Ukrainian village when the whites first started killing the natives...but still you get the point)
you're retarded please exit this section of the board
imo when the first whities came to australia, their mistake was not getting rid of all the abos currently existing. you cant just take someones land and expect them to live happily about it. you either leave them in peace or kill them all. now its fucked for everyone because the abos are angry at what happened and getting all these benefits which they take for granted

thanks a lot captain cook
are you trolling
At what point do the Government say "Yeah we've made up for the suffering we caused them in the past" and stop giving them benefits and stuff and treat them like all other Australians???

A guy I was friends with in primary school got an ATAR of like 90 yet I hear hes doing law next year at UNSW. Hes not even one of those disadvantaged Aboriginals. He lives in a nice house and his parents have decent jobs. I know its wrong for me to judge and say what happened in the past cant really have that much of an impact on his life but Im sure everyone has relatives who were wronged in the past even if they arent Aboriginals.
you've highlighted one of the issues with this type of policy but I assume it's for deeply ingrained racist reasons or pure old childish jealousy as opposed to pragmatic policy making
uhh, i have plenty of anecdotes to prove WITHOUT QUESTION that the white man is being held down by black privilege
I love you
Indigenous Australian people are not helped enough. Due to decades of vicious, systemic and societal discrimination solely based on the colour of their skin, young Indigenous Australians grow up in social environments inherently deleterious to their social and intellectual development. This is not to say that they are unintelligent, or somehow intellectually inferior to "whites" (despite attempts by scientific racists funded by the shadowy Nazi eugenicist organisation the Pioneer Fund to demonstrate otherwise with dubious and scientifically worthless studies) but rather their capability to be equal to "whites" in academic, industrial and other culturally contextual domains is fundamentally restricted by their culturally different rearing environments and most importantly, pervasive social marginalisation by subtly discriminatory government policies and an exclusively "white" supremacist milleu that excludes them from becoming assimiliated into it, as desperately as they may desire to be. This desire of course is one that has been implanted, psychologically, into the Indigenous Australian mass consciousness due to decades of white supremacist educational indoctrination and denigration of their unique culture and people, which motivates Aboriginal people to reject their own culture and attempt to embrace "white" values, though of course these attempts are always unsuccessful as "white" people cannot accept in their midst the prescence of these dark skinned outsiders.

The first step we must take to improving and alleviating the suffering of the Indigenous Australians is to instead change the normative values of the greater, majority "white" culture. We must educate and enlighten the "whites" to the ancient, far more ancient and rich than their own, culture of the Indigenous Australians. "White" culture must become part and parcell with Indigenous culture, and its historical notions, antiquated and odious conceptions of a division of kinds within the human species, hierarchy of population quality and its suggestively denigrating and exclusivist artistic styles must be completely wiped away, to be replaced with the foundations of a civil and modern society; inclusiveness, tolerance and egalitarianism. Only when we have finally achieved in reality the historic idealised and truly Australian notion of the "fair go" can Aboriginal people no longer feel a marginalised minority in their own continent, a continent which they have populated harmoniously and at one with the natural world also present within it for over 150,000 years.

you're basically saying

that we need to help people become more accepted in a society that they are shunned in and the reason is because the other society is different

whilst they stick to their own society
Dec 23, 2011
m8 have you ever actually seen an attractive aboriginal female

who wasn't like basically fuckin white
i confirmed have never

ive never even seen like more than 3 abos when i go to sydney not counting the guys on the didges down at circular quay though dubbo is like 11% abo



May 6, 2004
Indigenous Australian people are not helped enough. Due to decades of vicious, systemic and societal discrimination solely based on the colour of their skin, young Indigenous Australians grow up in social environments inherently deleterious to their social and intellectual development. This is not to say that they are unintelligent, or somehow intellectually inferior to "whites" (despite attempts by scientific racists funded by the shadowy Nazi eugenicist organisation the Pioneer Fund to demonstrate otherwise with dubious and scientifically worthless studies) but rather their capability to be equal to "whites" in academic, industrial and other culturally contextual domains is fundamentally restricted by their culturally different rearing environments and most importantly, pervasive social marginalisation by subtly discriminatory government policies and an exclusively "white" supremacist milleu that excludes them from becoming assimiliated into it, as desperately as they may desire to be. This desire of course is one that has been implanted, psychologically, into the Indigenous Australian mass consciousness due to decades of white supremacist educational indoctrination and denigration of their unique culture and people, which motivates Aboriginal people to reject their own culture and attempt to embrace "white" values, though of course these attempts are always unsuccessful as "white" people cannot accept in their midst the prescence of these dark skinned outsiders.

The first step we must take to improving and alleviating the suffering of the Indigenous Australians is to instead change the normative values of the greater, majority "white" culture. We must educate and enlighten the "whites" to the ancient, far more ancient and rich than their own, culture of the Indigenous Australians. "White" culture must become part and parcell with Indigenous culture, and its historical notions, antiquated and odious conceptions of a division of kinds within the human species, hierarchy of population quality and its suggestively denigrating and exclusivist artistic styles must be completely wiped away, to be replaced with the foundations of a civil and modern society; inclusiveness, tolerance and egalitarianism. Only when we have finally achieved in reality the historic idealised and truly Australian notion of the "fair go" can Aboriginal people no longer feel a marginalised minority in their own continent, a continent which they have populated harmoniously and at one with the natural world also present within it for over 150,000 years.
so you are saying it is part of indigenous australian identity to rape and abuse their kids oh ok


May 6, 2004
^ putting one through an indigenous australian gurl on the daily so i know whats up


May 6, 2004
Indigenous Australian people are not helped enough. Due to decades of vicious, systemic and societal discrimination solely based on the colour of their skin, young Indigenous Australians grow up in social environments inherently deleterious to their social and intellectual development. This is not to say that they are unintelligent, or somehow intellectually inferior to "whites" (despite attempts by scientific racists funded by the shadowy Nazi eugenicist organisation the Pioneer Fund to demonstrate otherwise with dubious and scientifically worthless studies) but rather their capability to be equal to "whites" in academic, industrial and other culturally contextual domains is fundamentally restricted by their culturally different rearing environments and most importantly, pervasive social marginalisation by subtly discriminatory government policies and an exclusively "white" supremacist milleu that excludes them from becoming assimiliated into it, as desperately as they may desire to be. This desire of course is one that has been implanted, psychologically, into the Indigenous Australian mass consciousness due to decades of white supremacist educational indoctrination and denigration of their unique culture and people, which motivates Aboriginal people to reject their own culture and attempt to embrace "white" values, though of course these attempts are always unsuccessful as "white" people cannot accept in their midst the prescence of these dark skinned outsiders.

The first step we must take to improving and alleviating the suffering of the Indigenous Australians is to instead change the normative values of the greater, majority "white" culture. We must educate and enlighten the "whites" to the ancient, far more ancient and rich than their own, culture of the Indigenous Australians. "White" culture must become part and parcell with Indigenous culture, and its historical notions, antiquated and odious conceptions of a division of kinds within the human species, hierarchy of population quality and its suggestively denigrating and exclusivist artistic styles must be completely wiped away, to be replaced with the foundations of a civil and modern society; inclusiveness, tolerance and egalitarianism. Only when we have finally achieved in reality the historic idealised and truly Australian notion of the "fair go" can Aboriginal people no longer feel a marginalised minority in their own continent, a continent which they have populated harmoniously and at one with the natural world also present within it for over 150,000 years.
oh wait i just read more than the 3rd line

ancient culture = equally worthy culture alright i dont think you are correct sir

*60k yrs dont lie to yourself bra


Oct 24, 2011
They get way too much. They shouldn't get anything more then everyone else. It's ridiculous.


Jan 30, 2010
They get way too much. They shouldn't get anything more then everyone else. It's ridiculous.
why not
we give free money to every other demographic that doesnt perform as well as the average in certain aspects of life so why not boongas


Oct 24, 2011
why not
we give free money to every other demographic that doesnt perform as well as the average in certain aspects of life so why not boongas
They should get the same amount as everyone else, it shouldn't change because they are black.


Jan 30, 2010
They should get the same amount as everyone else, it shouldn't change because they are black.
why can we use age, sex, and income to decide who gets what welfare but not ethnicity?

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