Hi guys! Well... I have been told by a few of friends that some of the girls in my that want to do medicine in uni have already started UMAT tutoring. I'm only in year 11 this year but was wondering if it is the right time to start UMAT tutoring now. Like maybe buy the papers from a certain site like Medentry, or something and do like a few questions every weekend. Should i be doing this or should i just wait until Year 12 and start doing it then. I really want to get into dentistry at USYD but i heard that i can only do it as a post graduate. Is this true? If so, is it necessary for me to take the UMAT at all? Considering that i'll probably have to take the GAMSAT later on. Sorry about. I'm a complete losty when it comes to uni-related stuff. Haha. Oh, and i'll +rep for and good advice. Thanks guys!