School rank - around 150
School usually gets around 3 people 98+ each year.
These are overall assessment rank while the marks are from the CSSA 2012 Trials
English Adv - 92% (rank 1)
3u Maths - 97% (rank 1)
4u Maths - 68% (rank 1)
Chemistry - 83% (rank 1)
Physics - 75% (rank 1)
Religion 1u - 88% (rank 1)
I'm aiming for at least above 99 if not higher.
Is it worth studying for religion at all - will it count??
School usually gets around 3 people 98+ each year.
These are overall assessment rank while the marks are from the CSSA 2012 Trials
English Adv - 92% (rank 1)
3u Maths - 97% (rank 1)
4u Maths - 68% (rank 1)
Chemistry - 83% (rank 1)
Physics - 75% (rank 1)
Religion 1u - 88% (rank 1)
I'm aiming for at least above 99 if not higher.
Is it worth studying for religion at all - will it count??