Re: Math help (Because Carrot made me do this)
I need help in graphing again (Yes I know what you're thinking).
How would you sketch this:
All I have so far are the intercepts for which when you sub x=0 and y=0, my intercepts for x and y are both 0.
I also know that it's a hyperbola because it has an x as the denominator.
Lets think about our curve for a second, and understand that it is one number divided by another number.
We know that For all positive x^2 (which is always positive)

But our concept of infinity tells us, that the closer and closer we go to infinity, the less and less the constants matter. That is, the less the -9 matters. What I mean by this, is that the closer and closer we get to infinity, the closer and closer the
denominator will equal the numerator.
This means that at positive infinity, we approach y=1, however we approach y=1
from the top. This is because we dont actually have a number infinity, but we approach it, so that no matter how high of a number we go

But this is only true for x^2-9>0 (inequality logic). So we approach y=1 at positive infinity...
If you dont care about why asymptotes are asymptotes, then just follow this rule:
IF m=n, so that the degree of the dividing functions are the same: Like in your case:
n=m here since the highest degrees are the SAME.
This means our horizontal asymptote is
Remember a and b are our co-efficients of the HIGHEST degrees. In our above case, a=1, b=1. Hence our horizontal asymptote is y=1/1=1
IF n<m
Such as
Our horizontal asymptote is always y=0
This is asymptote logic.
Now onto sketching graphs if you can figure out horizontal asymptote
We have our horizontal asymptote, now we need to find our vertical asymptote. Our veritcal asymptotes are when
the denominator (the bottom) is equal to 0
So our vertical asymptote(s) is

So we find that we have 2 vertical asymptotes. Now lets sketch all three of these asymptotes on our imaginary graph, and plot our point of intersection with the axes (0,0)
We are nearly done, now if you noticed, our function f(x) is an even one, since f(x)=f(-x)
What this means is that our function
is symmetrical about the y-axis, this is a property.
This will help us in sketching it, since we can imagine it, as if we fold the paper along the y-axis, our graphs would be touching each other exactly (symetrical).
Lets now sub in very large numbers into our function
Lets sub in our calculator:
x=100 -> You should get a number very close to 1, BUT above 1 i.e. 1.00000834382 etc. (Note, for some functions if you sub in very large numbers, the calculator will just approximate it to 1)
Now, we need to find the behaviour of our curve
around the vertical asymptotes.
So we need to sub in a number very close to 3.
x=3.0001 -> y= large number, so what this tells us, is that our function approaches POSTIVE infinity AT the bigger side of x=3.
Lets sub in x=2.999 in order to find the behaviour of the curve on the otherside of it
x=2.999 -> y= very big NEGATIVE number, this tells us that the function approaches NEGATIVE infinity at the smaller side of x=3
Now, there are TWO routes you can go from here.
The smarter route:
Notice that it is an even function, so we have symetry about the y=axis, so we can just graph the first half of the graph, then replicate it on the other side.
The safety route:
Lets try the other asymptote x=-3, and test numbers on either side of them:
x=-2.999 -> y=Very big negative number, this tells us it approaches negative infinity on the bigger side of x=-3 asymptote (remember -2.99 > -3)
x=-3.001 -> y=very large postive number, tells us that approaches positive infinity on the smaller side of x=-3
Now lets test negative infinity:
x=-100 ->y= a number VERY close to 1, but bigger than one. This tells us that it approaches our horizontal asymptote.
Behaviour checking is done. Now lets figure out shape.
To be able to understand this, look at the answer graph, or go on Wolfram Alpha and look at the graph from there.
The very left and very right of the graphs are easy to graph, we know that they go from one asymptote to the other asymptote.
Now the very middle, in between the vertical asymptotes is the tricky bit.
We know that our curve needs to go from one asymptote to the other, but through (0,0). So there has to be a way for this to happen, they must connect somehow. So it will have a point in which the curve turns, and it turns into the other asymptote.
We are done graphing.
Here is a 'small guide to graphing'
1) Find vertical asymptotes (denominator=0)
2) Find horizontal asymptote (manually put in large values on calculator, or figure it out mentally using formula or logic)
3) Find behaviour of graphs near the asymptotes (sub in large values, close values etc.)
4) Find intercepts
5) Graph it.
This post turned out longer than I thought.