Arts degree with a minor in Korean?
Good luck getting a job. Does McDonalds even have stores in Korea?
Oh wow. Instead of answering his question, as soon as you see the words "Arts" and "degree", you immediately spout off an insult. How helpful.
I'm not going to get into the whole debate about whether an Arts degree is worth it or not, but I will say this: At least have the respect to properly, fully answer his question first before spouting off insults about what degree he may be taking.
Anyway, as he said above, he's taking Commerce/Arts. I'm taking the same program too.
@4025808: A friend of mine took Korean 1A and said that she enjoyed it a lot. She said that it was fairly easy. Within two weeks, she could read Korean. I'm thinking of taking either Intermediate Japanese A or Korean 1A next semester, so I'll let you know which one I decide to take after I make my timetable on the 18th.