Likelihood of SEAS/Special Considerations application accepted? Important :C (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 30, 2012
Hey all I couldn't find a relevant spot to put this, so I'll put it here. I guess it still is relevant to the subforum as it does pertain to the HSC.

Basically I need a ~78 ATAR for the courses I want. 75 may be applicable given some of them have a high % below acceptance (maybe 25-50%).
I guess a realistic outcome for my ATAR is ~71.

I'm looking for a computer science course at Swineburne, La Trobe, Monash, or RMIT. I've added also IT for Deakin which only requires a 50 ATAR. I unfortunately did not add it as a preference for La Trobe but it also needs ~50. They also do computer science so if I add that to my preferences and get accepted I could transfer. Unfortunately Deakin have no such luxury. I just hope adding it to my preferences in the next round won't be too late. I already have 12 preferences so I will have to remove one. Does adding another preference later, before the ATAR's come out (~26 november or so) really lower your chances of getting in to that course by much?

And secondly, I've applied for SEAS. In my SEAS application I have stated that I've been suffering from an undiagnosed clinical depression since ~2007 and diagnosed in 2011. I was also diagnosed with social anxiety. These two factors have resulted in me missing around 1/4 of my classes which has created a significant gap in my knowledge, and if I was able to go to classes at those times I probably would have achieved a much higher result. I also stated that I'm very good at IT, coming first in my class consistently for the past two years which shows that I am good at IT despite this. I supplied two letters of support, one from my old psychologist and one from my new psychologist, the former was a fairly brief 10 line generic letter, but the latter was a pretty lengthy 1 and a half page letter which was, in my opinion, written very well.

Given these circumstances, what is the liklihood of my SEAS application being accepted, do you think? I know you can't effectively answer that, but if anyone with similar circumstances was accepted then that would be good to know. I think SEAS might be the only way of being accepted to the course that I want, unfortunately.

Thanks. :)


Active Member
Jul 24, 2012
I think you would get SEAS. It probably also helps that the field you are interested in studying was one you performed well in. :D

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