Hey everyone.
Quick question about people and planet units. I understand they have been outside of your degree department. But can both your planet and people subjects be from the same department?
For example, you are doing science, and you take two LEX subjects as your people and planet units?
Here are the relevant criteria for PP units:
To satisfy the requirements of Rule 4(5) of the Bachelor Degree Rules, a Program of Study for a
single Award must include:
(i) one unit taken from Part 2 of this Schedule and one unit taken from Part 3 of this Schedule, and
one of those units must be taken outside the Department administering the Program of Study or Qualifying Major which the student is admitted to, and
the other such unit must be taken outside the Faculty administering the Program of Study or Qualifying Major which the student is admitted to.
To satisfy the requirements of Rule 4(5) of the Bachelor Degree Rules, a Program of Study for a
Combined Award, Double Award or concurrent Award must include:
(i) one unit taken from Part 2 of this Schedule and one unit taken from Part 3 of this Schedule, and
(ii) those units must be taken in
two different Faculties.
So it appears that in the case of a single degree, yes you can.
If you study science, LEX102/101 are both outside of the Faculty of Science, and since they fall under the Department of Law, are also outside of the various science departments.
However it looks as if in a combined/double degree, the people and planet units must be from two different faculties.
Nice question op. Tbh I think Mac uni is unfair in forcing us to do p/p/p units. I would much rather prefer it if those slots which they occupy went to bolstering my degree.
Also, while I'm in rant mode, the selection of units isn't very good (esp. for planet units) for people who hate science and maths, like me.
It's pretty shit, pretty much all students and the majority of academics at MQ would agree with you.