North Sri Lankan refugees (1 Viewer)


On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
IQ is an extremely strong predictor of socio-economic outcomes, such as income (and by proxy productivity), academic achievement, criminality, marriage stability etc. And it also correlates negatively with time preference, which itself has enormous predictive power.

And how did you find out your IQ?

"did some reading" i.e. read some crap by a butthurt liberal who can't possibly conceive of socio-economic differences caused by anything other greedy corporations and "discrimination"

Well you're being a fucking moron, because Ashkenazi jews, koreans, japanese, Hong Kongers et al. ALL do better than whites. Whilst still living in non-white countries. On a test developed by whites!

Also: SATs correlate strongly with IQs, so if we use SAT scores as a proxy for IQ we can see that racial difference have little to do with income, because non-asian minorites score lower than whites for all income levels. Rich black kids score worse than poor white kids.

Well now you're starting to make sense.
Ten bucks says the people who took an IQ test and did well came from high SES families.

Before this goes any further I don't believe that one test can test a person's intelligence, since there isn't even a consensus on what being intelligent means.

For some reason the primary school thought it would be a good idea for me to take an IQ test because they thought I was either gifted or Insane, turned out to be latter ;)

The reading I did was part of a couple of Psych units I had to do for my BE

Also your graph is meaningless as it doesn't address the Socio in Socio-Economic, which is just as important in determining the grades a student will get. They're are plenty of rich plumbers in Western Sydney, who don't encourage their kids to do well in school because their too busy down at the pub.
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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Before this goes any further I don't believe that one test can test a person's intelligence, since there isn't even a consensus on what being intelligent means.
Well the name's (intelligence quotient) a bti of a misnomer, but its not about whether or not somethign objectively is "intelligence" (which IQ isn't), its about the predictive power of IQ.

For some reason the primary school thought it would be a good idea for me to take an IQ test because they thought I was either gifted or Insane, turned out to be latter ;)
Lucky you, I have a mild curiosity but it will cost be quite a sum to find out.

Also your graph is meaningless as it doesn't address the Socio in Socio-Economic, which is just as important in determining the grades a student will get. They're are plenty of rich plumbers in Western Sydney, who don't encourage their kids to do well in school because their too busy down at the pub.
So you're saying black people make bad parents, essentially?

Also it should be noted that high IQ being caused by high-SES may have hte causality backwards. I mean, how could low-IQ people become well off in the first place (on a scale large enough to impact these results).
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On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
So you're saying black people make bad parents, essentially?

Also it should be noted that high IQ being caused by high-SES may have hte causality backwards. I mean, how could low-IQ people become well off in the first place (on a scale large enough to impact these results).
Bad parents? No. That would be suggesting that a child's educational attainment is the only indicator of whether a parent is good or bad. Inherent bias in the system, history, and a lack of culutral captial that is through no fault or there own are bigger factors.

I do believe you are right that there is definetly a corellation between IQ and test scores, but there is a still a farily large amount of variability.

Of course one must also look at the the kind of IQ test being used, as I have said before there are IQ tests unintentionally aimed at White middle class people.

And on causality that would lead into a nature nurture debate of 'intelligence', or even a chicken and the egg situation. People with average or below average IQ can become well off. But parental figures though a large factor in nurturing a higher IQ in their children is not the sole factor. 'Dumb' parents doesn't always mean dumb children and vice versa.

If I'm not makign any sense it's because I don't really know what were arguing about anyway :jump:
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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Inherent bias in the system
lol, if you're claiming schools are biased against them you might as well say that an industrial economy is biased against them.

and a lack of culutral captial that is through no fault or there own are bigger factors.
So asians have high IQs because their parents make them work hard, but making their children work hard isn't a good solution for blacks?

Of course one must also look at the the kind of IQ test being used, as I have said before there are IQ tests unintentionally aimed at White middle class people.
And as I have said, this is dumb because asians (who also happen to be poorer) do better on them anyway.

And on causality that would lead into a nature nurture debate of 'intelligence', or even a chicken and the egg situation. People with average or below average IQ can become well off. But parental figures though a large factor in nurturing a higher IQ in their children is not the sole factor. 'Dumb' parents doesn't always mean dumb children and vice versa.
Well IQ is significantly hereditary, so that kind of weakens your argument there.


On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
Ah so your so on the nature side of the debate. Then we no longer have anything to discuss.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
HURRR DURRR ISILDEEEERP dude, are you that thick?? SylviaB has presented you with CLEAR EFFING EVIDENCE, and you still argue like a fucking chimp. No, that would be an insult to chimps. You argue like sathius, you dont accept any new information, you stick with your own INCORRECT viewpoint.
Gee I guess all those people at tha harvard and princeton educational center are full of shit as well :(

You know they took out the analogy section in the SAT in 2005 because of huge protests by the University of California (who threatened to pull out of using the SAT as an admission requirement) because of inherit cultural bias' in the reading section prior 2005. There still are huge cultural bias' in the reading section today as well.

Santelices and Wilson confirm that SAT items do function differently for the African American and White subgroups in the verbal test and argue that the testing industry has an obligation to study this phenomenon

Yeah I guess the harvard educational review is full of shit about the SAT being a culturally biased test.

The SAT's claim to indicate how well someone will perform at university, which is pretty much like saying if you got a high ATAR you'll get HD's and if you got a low ATAR you'll be forever destined with credits and passes.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Look, we're talking about IQ. On tests for which, by the way, blacks do best for the verbal section (comapred to other sections).


Jul 17, 2011
Rather than increase foreign aid to Sri Lanka it is more cost effective to increase the number of Sri Lankan refugees allowed to come to Australia. North Sri Lankan Tamils have the potential to make a huge contribution to Australian society. The return on investment will be greater than the cost structure of welcoming North Sri Lankan refugees into Australian society. North Sri Lankan Tamils are creative, innovative and have real leadership skills.

The end of the civil conflict in Sri Lanka resulted in a humanitarian emergency, with millions internally displaced. Millions remain internally displaced and unable to restart their lives. Poverty rates remain high and agricultural production has yet to recover.
North Sri Lankan refugees are in dire straits, need urgent help and need to be welcomed into Australian society. North Sri Lankans are very decent, reliable, committed, talented, great, grand, sound, tenacious, gutsy, hardworking, relentless, conservative, magnificent, inspirational, conscientious, determined and resourceful. These are the personality factors upon which I assert North Sri Lankans have a lot to give to Australia and we as a compassionate nation need to welcome refugees into Australia. North Sri Lankan refugees are getting up skilled and into the workforce.

Many North Sri Lankans have been displaced in Sri Lanka as a result of the brutal civil war. Australia has been very generous in our foreign aid commitments but there is more to be done to help the less fortunate North Sri Lankans.

I encourage the Coalition to show bipartisanship to refugees by supporting the Australian Labor Party's increase of the refugee intake. I support a big population Australia as manifested by Rupert Murdoch and the American immigration scheme. A big Australia enhances our economic prosperity, foreign policy leverage and national security. I think a population of 40 million people in Australia by 2050 is something that should be welcomed.

I am also writing to cast an array of heavy doubt on Tony Abbott's promise to stop the boats. The boats will not stop due to the push factors such as the deterioration of the civil unrest in the Middle East and the huge challenges that the Sri Lankan government faces in helping the North Sri Lankan Tamils. There have been reports of systemic corruption within the Sri Lankan government and clear moral bankruptcy in the compassion fatigue that the Sri Lankan government has shown to the North Sri Lankan Tamils.

Many North Sri Lankan Tamils just want to leave Sri Lanka and move to the great civilization that this Western civilization and to countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Most Sri Lankan Tamils feel betrayed, alienated and let down by the Sri Lankan government.

I encourage everyone on Bored of studies to write emails to their local Members of Parliament to persuade the Labor government and Liberal Opposition to show solidarity with the North Sri Lankan Tamils.
Lol, south sri-lankan Sinhalese checking in. What is your proof north indians have those qualities?
This is the biggest bs post i have read on bos
fak off


Jul 17, 2011
North Sri Lankan Tamils are being slaughtered to death in Sri Lankan by the chauvinistic Singhalese dominated Sri Lankan Government. The Sri Lankan Government has utter contempt for the Tamil people. The Tamil people in Sri Lanka are being persecuted by the blood thirty, sneering amusement to the slaughter of innocent lives at the hands of the Singhalese government.
fucking bullshit


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
knxd is a Sri Lankan Holocaust denier and is a neo-Nazi. Bored of Studies has no place for idiots like you.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
sylviab plz stop using evidence and logic to point out things, it is making the serfs angry

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